• Agramon •



7 years, 5 months ago



decisive, ambitious, arrogant, indulgent, industrious

Agramon is the young lord of the largest district of Rahav and a close relative of the Rahavite king. His parents were once well-respected advisers to the king, but since their passing, Agramon’s family name has wavered. Rahav’s nobility consider Agramon spoiled and temperamental, profiting from his inheritance rather than his merit. His people know better. Agramon is a fearsome lord, swift to enact justice for wrong-doings against his name, but generous with his wealth. His lands have thrived in the years since he reached adulthood and he has earned the admiration of many younger nobles and merchants. Agramon is well known for his menagerie of fantastical creatures. Whispers tell of his collection, ranging from jaguars of the Rahavite rainforest to Merai from the Sapphire Sea. With Agramon, it is difficult to tell rumour from fact—and that benefits him. Agramon intends to elevate himself to deity-like status. The grandeur of his villas, the mystery of his menagerie, and the aloofness of his interactions with others all serve to connect Agramon to the mythos of the dragons and Apothites. If his name shall be slandered by those who doubt him, so be it. Agramon will set himself apart from all of them.

 they will know me not as a man, but as a god.