
9 years, 3 months ago



Nova-Lin A'hal Desmontothu're (Nova)
I.U.T.T.P.D. Enforcer; CJ's parole officer
Lawful Good


"Mister Benoit, how many times do we have to go over this?"

Nova is an Enforcer of the I.U.T.T.P.D. It is her job to act as C.J. Benoit's warden, follow him when he goes into forbidden areas, charge him for any "crime" he commits, clean up his mess to prevent any alterations to the timeline, and arrest him should he ever cross the line. Though the human mostly just gives her a headache, a mountain of paperwork, and makes her look bad on the force. Still, she takes her job very seriously, and sticks with it. She can often be found with CJ, or randomly appears to confront him on something. She will talk with others, if they approach her and know of CJ's time traveling abilities. In public, however, she tries to keep as hidden as possible. Less paperwork and alterations she needs to do for anyone who might see a smoky "alien" wandering around.


Nova tends to come off as serious and stoic. She became career oriented at a young age and dedicated herself to her studies and earning a spot on the I.U.T.T.P.D. Becoming the first of her kind to become an enforcer on the department. Because of this, she lacks certain social skills, and for the most part a sense of humor. She is very job and rule driven, and will usually focus on what is allowed or 'illegal' before she will acknowledge the personal aspect of a problem. She also takes great pride in being the first and only of her kind on the force. When she is blamed for something, she takes it personally. When she was temporarily fired, she became depressed. Blaming herself and feeling as though she had no real future now.

However, she has had moments where her serious and career driven nature was broken. She has been the only enforcer patient and determined enough not to be driven away by her "charge", C.J. Benoit. And with all the time spent chasing after the time traveler, getting caught up in his mishaps and adventures, her personality takes a slight change every now and then. She's slowly catching onto sarcasm, and will occasionally try to make a joke when she thinks of one. She understands that despite how hard she is on CJ, he will stand up for and protect her. And she now feels that same sense of protectiveness for him. Letting minor things slide, and covering for him if the situation is of a more personal matter for CJ.

She is... oddly enough a bit of a fangirl. Her natural abilities making it apparent when someone she has a crush on is neaR, despite her hardest attempts to remain emotionless. When confronted, she will blush and stammer like a school girl before excusing herself and leaving the area all together. It's worse when one actually visits her home and finds her poster and souvenir collection dedicated to Dorian.


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