
4 years, 1 month ago


Lesbian wlw/wlnb

Backstory inspired by Carrie from Sparklecare

Name: Natalie

Alias: Nasty

Age: Adult

Species: Cat-Rat (cat w/ ratlike tail)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Polyamorous Lesbian (wlw/wlnb)

Occupation: Nightclub Bartender

Personality: Natalie, or as she insists everyone calls her, "Nasty", is a boisterous feline who likes to fuck around and find out. Filled to the brim with confidence and maybe a little less afraid of danger than she should be, Nasty gives no fucks and takes no attitude. Whether it was proudly playing with the boys in sports as the elementary school's "tomboy", punching anyone in the face who dared to make fun of her during her emo phase in high school, or telling rude customers off while working the bar at her favorite nightclub, Nasty has never had any problems speaking her mind and living her truth. Even if that truth sometimes (often) means being a total dumpsterfire. 

Nasty can often be quite blunt or sarcastic, and will say whatever is on her mind, even if it's rude. But she isn't afraid to admit her own faults either, and will readily admit her own bad habits ( including but not limited to things such as eating ten packs of McDonald's BBQ sauce consecutively), her occasional lack of hygiene, and other things that would make her a self-proclaimed loser. But even if outsiders would indeed deem Nasty a "loser" for how she lives, those closer to her tend to think the opposite-- instead, they think that Nasty's self-awareness and readiness to live her most genuine life no matter what others think is what makes her cool in the first place. 

Nasty loves life in the big city! She doesn't have a driver's license, so for her it's really nice to be able to just walk to the local corner store to grab whatever she needs. Her apartment is also close to all her favorite restaurants, bars, the movie theater, and just about any place she could ever want to hang out. Despite life in an apartment complex having its pros and cons, Nasty doesn't mind the small space, and as a matter of fact prefers it to the prospect of owning a house. In her words, she doesn't need much space to do what she wants to do, and a smaller space means less cleaning. 

Backstory: TBA

Relationships: Nasty knows a lot of girls, and is in relationships with varying degrees of intimacy with said girls. Though this has given her somewhat of a reputation among the bar, it's a badge she wears with pride, and it's not like any of her partners seem to mind.

Darcie: Darcie and Nasty met at the bar Nasty worked at, and despite Nasty's voice immediately rising an octave, she managed to get Darcie's number. Nasty views Darcie as the coolest person she has met, viewing Darcie's coolness as a statement of objective face. She is literally the coolest person Nasty has ever met/fucked, celebrities included. Darcie is one of the few people Nasty has ever had a romantic crush on, but she’s like 99% sure that Darcie will never feel the same, and is convinced their relationship will never have anything of substance to it. It doesn't stop her from calling Darcie all the time, mostly just to talk and hang out, as even if Nasty views Darcie as "off-limits" as far as romantic relationships go, she still cares deeply for Darcie as one of their best friends. 

Tuesday: Nasty was attracted to Tuesday because, as many patrons and workers of the bar agree, Tuesday was the only person there who was more of a loser than Nasty. She found this incredibly attractive, naturally. They smell like sweat, alcohol, and regret, so Nasty had no choice but to take them home. Tuesday typically has no idea why the fuck Nasty is paying attention to them, but doesn't mind the distraction from their busy and stressful life. Nasty tries her best to get them out of the house and encourages them to relax at least some of the time, and to her credit, it's actually kind of working. Nasty doesn't know anything about Tuesday's family or childhood (and she's not gonna pry), but she feels like they play a non-insignificant role in why Tuesday turned out the way they did. 


Roxi: Nasty and Roxi are just friends, and have no intention of making their relationship anything but that. They are a bit of an odd couple, what with Nasty being some sort of cat and Roxy being some sort of space bird, but they love palling around regardless. 

Bee: Friends with Bee, ultimate mlm wlm solidarity. Likes being him and Glimmer's third wheel whenever they go out for a night on the town. 

Glitzy: They used to work together, and are overall pretty friendly. Nasty had a crush on Glitzy for a while, but when she asked them if they would like to go out with her, Glitzy declined. Nasty was hurt by this at first, but she eventually realized-- through the grapevine, not through Glitzy confiding in her-- that Glitzy had a pretty fierce and unrequited crush on their coworker Asher. Since switching jobs, Nasty and Glitzy have grown apart, but they still text from time to time.