Akane Uzumaki (Twin Chains AU)



3 years, 15 days ago


Name Akane Uzumaki
Kanji 渦巻 茜
Birthday October 10
Gender Trans female
Age 12
Occupation Kunoichi
Affiliation Knohagakure
Rank Genin

Akane Uzumaki

"I didn't get this good without a lot of hard work."

As the Hokage's daughter, Akane has spent her whole life in the spotlight. Every expected greatness of her, and she's worked hard to live up to those expectations. Being in the spotlight has done more harm than good for her. Not only does it raise expectations, but it made coming out as a trans girl into a huge ordeal. She was shunned by many, even by family friends. She learned at much too young an age how cruel others could be.

To counter the insecurity so much rejection caused, Akane developed an arrogant persona. Faking such confidence helped her feel more confident. She spent everyday training and studying so she could be the best, holding the top position in her class. She grew overconfident in her abilities, while still struggling with insecurities over her appearance. To combat the dysphoria, Akane began altering her looks with makeup, hair dye, and illussions. She strove to look more like her mother, and less like her brother. In time, she even declared herself the rose of Konoha.

Although Akane is quite haughty and controlling, she remains a compassionate child. Akane takes it upon herself to defend others, trying to protect those around her from the pain she's gone through. She faces down bullies with fists and words, and seeks out interaction with loners who might want company. She can be quite the meddlesome child, refusing to back down when it comes to helping others. Normally this is an admirable trait, but it can be overbearing when the person she's helping doesn't want help.


  • Akane shares Naruto's love of pranks, which helped hone her trap skills.
  • She dyes her hair red and straightens it. She has a very extensive beauty routine.
  • She chose the name Akane (meaning deep red) as a homage to her given name, Momiji (red leaves).









Sealing Chains Rank C

Chains form from chakra, immobolizing a target. Can also be used as a barrier.

Trap Clone Rank D

An object trapped with explosives is transformed into a clone of the user, exploding on contact.

Trap Web Rank D

A series of triggers interconnected so multiple traps go off at the same time, aimed at the same area.

Academy Techniques Rank e

All skills taught by the academy. Body Replacement, Cloak of Invisibility, Clone, Rope Escape, and Transformation.


Explosive Tags Damage

Creates a small explosion when triggered, either through handsign, contact, or timing.

Trip Wire Utility

Used as a trigger for various traps.

Sticky Bomb Utility

Releases an incredibly sticky substance upon contact, strong enough to hinder movement.

Smoke Bomb Utility

Creates a cloud of harsh smelling smoke upon contact.


Hokage's Daughter

Akane was raised in the spotlight, as the fifth Hokage's daughter. Expectations have always been high, and she's worked herself to her limits to meet them. She struggles with a sense of inferiority due to her success always being attributed to her mother. She's constantly seeking to improve so that people will acknowledge her strength as her own.

Coming Out

Akane had a difficult childhood due to coming out as a trans girl at a young age. Children and adults alike treated her poorly, although the adults hid it behind a polite mask. She lost friends and understood for the first time just how cruel people can be. However, she held her head high through it all, refusing to let it break her. In time, she made new friends, and even came to be the defender of many other children.

Special Lessons

Akane began private training to master sealing chains with her mother when she entered the academy. She didn't understand why she wasn't training with Naruto and was plagued by the feeling the two were hiding something from her. When Naruto finally revealed the secret, that he was a jinchuuriki, Akane was stunned. She didn't let the shock sit though, immediately reassuring him that it changed nothing. She began training alongside him to control the kyuubi, testing her sealing chains against his power. She quickly realized the reason her mother had trained her to use the chains. If Naruto ever lost control, it was her responsibility to stop him.


Twin Brother


Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto and Akane get along quite well, training, studying, and playing together. Akane tends to boss Naruto around. Her need for control is part nature and part underestimation of Naruto. She sees him as a dope that won't get anywhere without direction.



Kushina Uzumaki

Akane idolizes her mother, seeing her as peak femininity. She even dyes and straigtens her hair to look more like her.



Sasuke Uchiha

Akane was raised alongside Sasuke for her early years, growing to see him as a brother. She sees him as more competent than Naruto, but still doesn't trust him to lead.



Character Name

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