Aether (Personal Art)



Hybrid [Reincarnated deity?]
They/Them Ae/Aer
Worth 46,5$ [20$ purchased, 26,5$ commisions]

-Can shapeshift
-Fur coloration and clouds swirling around their neck change depending on their mood
-Possibly has a longer lifespan, regenerates injuries faster. Immortal??
-Can create clouds and affect weather
-Can shrink their wings
-Can grow extra eyes and wings on their body
-Telekinesis. Can make objects out of pure light

-Born in a little mountain village up north, so high up that it was touching the clouds. Close-knit community, rather religious. Long past its former glory as their old deity wasn't there to protect them anymore & help them travel down to trade with others.
-Not from a rich family, they raised sheep and alpacas and made things out of wool. Little Ae's wings were underdeveloped and so they couldn't fly.
-During a ceremony all young kids are required to attend, the town officials announced that Aether is actually a reincarnation of their old deity [judged by their angel-like pelt, affinity with clouds, and other symbolism].
-Ae was then showered in gold and lived a very good life, albeit they had heavy expectations to fullfill.
-Three years later, the reincarnation ceremony took place. During the worst storm of the decade, the god of weather, clouds and storm was supposed to fully reawaken in Aether's body - through being pushed off the highest cliff, being hit my lightning, absorbing the power and then stopping the storm. They tried to wiggle out but it was too late. They were pushed off, but they couldn't fly. A lightning bolt hit them mid-fall, but they couldn't stop it.
-They awoke on the ground, bloodied, dazed but alive. They ran away and spent a few years travelling.