Raiden Cantrell



4 years, 1 month ago


Raiden is the quiet type. He stopped talking soon after his sister was killed in a fire. He managed to survive, but has burns on his left side as a reminder of the ordeal. Police believe that his father was the one to start it. He wanted to get rid of his family after a business deal went bad. He is currently in prison, charged with first degree murder.

Raiden could see ghosts as a child (like most children) but loses the ability at age 11.

Raiden spends all of his time taking pictures, mostly of nature. He doesn’t trust a human enough to ask to take pictures of them...until he meets Tatsuya. Tatsuya spends most of his time trying to include Raiden, so eventually, Raiden trusts him enough to use him as a muse. Tatsuya is kind and generous, though he first comes across as a prude. Raiden finds himself drawn to Tatsuya and his natural beauty.

Raiden wants to be a photographer for National Geographic one day.

Raiden is seen as the mute freak at school. Students make up stories on why he doesn’t talk. The most popular one is that his dad cut out his tongue soon after his sister died because his father saw him talking to himself one too many times.

Raiden is bisexual, though he keeps it hidden from his mother, who is struggling enough as it is. He doesn’t want her worrying about him being bullied, though he’s already being picked on anyway. 

Raiden is vegetarian. He and Raven became vegetarian when they were eight years old after a field trip to a farm. 

Raiden dyed his bangs purple because it was his sister’s favorite color.

The fire fighter who saved Raiden often comes by to check on Raiden, sometimes helping him find beautiful scenery to take pictures of, or taking him for a drive so they could find some new places. The fire fighter began to teach Raiden how to play basketball, and is the only person who knows and believes that Raiden can see spirits.