


7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name







Straight with a few queer interests



François and his younger sister, Marie, lived next door to Keith when his family moved to Paris. He came to know Keith through Marie, who had a very feeble friendship with him, and eventually 'overthrew' her status as his friend.

They hit it off pretty well, and even fooled around together sexually before François decided it wasn't really his thing. Once while they were messing around in Keith's home, Keith's father walked in on them and accused François of taking advantage of his son and forcing himself upon him and nearly beat François to death.

He ran a gang of young rocker boys in the late 50's, of which Keith was a part of. He looked after all of them and essentially treated them as his children, as he was the oldest. He provided safe spaces for them and gave the best advice that he could. He really cherished them all, but took a particular, and sometimes malicious, interest in Keith and worked to keep him out of serious trouble, but often encouraged tamer acts of degeneracy. 

Eventually François becomes a lounge musician, playing run-down bars and old hotels that didn't see much business anymore. In one such establishment, he met an American actress and fell in love.

She gave him the idea to move with her to America so they could be together, and told him that if they married he could become a citizen. He agrees, and leaves France to marry her in America.


François is a pretty aloof guy and who prioritizes his own interests/goals. He likes to maintain a persona that distances himself from 'regular' people and dresses and styles himself so that he'll be left alone. He's also incredibly lazy and refuses to work a standard 9-5 job of any sort.

Phys. Description

Overall, François is a pretty average guy. Average height (around 5'10"), average build, but he grows his hair out kind of long for his time period.


-François is the one who gave Keith his finger tats, and regrets doing so immensely. He is incredibly supportive of Keith's music career and buys all his bands albums from overseas.

-His relationship with the actress is short-lived, as they soon get mixed up with hard drugs and eventually OD together in a hotel somewhere in LA.