


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Felix Everglow


Felix is a charismatic magician with a vibrant and charming presence, concealing a depth of emotions behind his energetic facade.

Hair and Eyes:

  • His hair is a bright and sunny shade of blond, adding to his overall radiant appearance.
  • Felix's eyes are a striking and vivid blue, reflecting the clear skies on a cheerful day.


  • Felix wears a sleeveless suit with a color palette dominated by pink hues, exuding a playful and lively charm.
  • A tiny, whimsical top hat perches on his head, a signature accessory that adds a touch of magic to his ensemble.


  • A collection of colorful scarves that seem to appear and disappear as if by magic, adding a dynamic flair to his performance.
  • Shiny, polished shoes that match the vibrant energy of his overall appearance.


  • Felix's face is a canvas of infectious smiles, laughter, and animated expressions.
  • His eyes light up with enthusiasm, and his upbeat demeanor is a ray of sunshine that captivates his audience.


  • Charming and energetic, Felix is a true entertainer, always ready to bring joy and laughter to those around him.
  • He has a quick wit and a playful sense of humor, easily connecting with people and making them feel at ease.
  • Despite his outward cheerfulness, Felix harbors a hidden sadness that he carefully conceals from the world.

Magical Style:

  • Felix specializes in illusion magic, creating captivating and enchanting performances that leave audiences spellbound.
  • His magic is often accompanied by a soundtrack of cheerful tunes, enhancing the overall magical experience.


  • Felix comes from a lineage of magicians known for their captivating performances and enchanting stage presence.
  • His family has always been in the spotlight, yet Felix struggles with the weight of hidden sorrows that he keeps locked away.