

The Prince of the Moons Flames

FullName:El Príncipe
Nicknames:Prince, Pepe
Gender:  Tomcat
Breed:  Lunar Space Matter Cat / Horned Twintail Spacial Cat
Role:   Prometheus's Heir


El Príncipe is egotistical feline that desires to take on as the deity figure for his father, Prometheus little group of cat followers. He adores the worship and honor they all cherished over him with the moment he stepped into the camp. As he began to mature into an adult his orange hued fur burst into flames. It was then he really started to see himself as the demigod they all were telling him he was all along. He became a enflamed fiery being and a source of heat for the cat community in winter. 

Fur Type:
Fur is like candle wicks, highly combustible 
Horn:Crescent Moon

Fire Fur:
 Príncipe's orange fur can combust out into a surreal cosmic fire. Its not realistic fire but seems to have its own alien aura around it with warmth. It can burn only if he gets mad.
Mini Moons:
  His body has many moon growths, his unicorn horn is made out of moon rock, he has another crescent moon on his back, two on each tail and small ones on his ears.
Fire proof Flowers:   
  Because of his control        over the cosmic flames, his roses never burn up. This also helps him not burn down the whole woods.

Created:  4/29/20 as a breedable result by DevindenStarry Fires Breeding Result
Art Value: 0.00
