Shakarii Info



7 years, 6 months ago


Shakarii are an androgynous animal-like species that hunt down the souls of the dying, in hopes to snatch them away, and turn them into one of their own.
The origin of the Shakarii is unknown, though they have existed as long as heaven and hell. As a human dies, their soul is exposed for a short period of time, in which a reaper would normally send it to heaven or hell. Instead, Shakarii use this brief moment to snatch the soul away and either consume it or turn it into one of their own. They’re very docile creatures towards humans, usually keeping their distance, but to their own can be very hostile. Shakarii do not mate, nor do they usually group together. In many instances, Shakarii will fight one another.

Shakarii prefer to be away from city-life, mostly residing in heavy forests. Because of their build, manoeuvring between trees and thick brush is no issue to them.


They tend to search for caves or dark secluded areas to sleep. Shakarii pick a place, and then become very territorial over it.


There are two different builds to Shakarii; muscular and slim. Muscular are more violent and tend to fight other Shakarii to assert their dominance. The slim build tend to sneak around more, stealing what they need and straying away from the muscular type. Though both have relatively slender bodies, much like cats and are very flexible and agile.


Shakarii usually stand at about eight feet tall.


The mask serves as a face. If the mask is flat, that means that the soul that was taken was acquired from someone who had passed away by natural causes. If the mask protrudes, that means another Shakarii murdered a human being for it’s soul. When they bend their heads back, their mouth is exposed which is usually hidden beneath the fluff around their neck and their mouth.  They have sharp carnivorous teeth, and a long forked tongue which they use to eat whatever they please. Shakarii do not have a particular diet.  



They have very long slender tails with hook like coils lining the edges. The hooks on the tail can be controlled either to be up or down. Shakarii use their tails very often for direction and quick turns, especially when maneuvering through the trees. To also help with speed and balance, the Shakarii have extremely large slender feet. They are three-toed and have a lot of kick to them. Any kick from a Shakarii to a human would be fatal.

The fur that lines their body is very thick and is used for many purposes such as body heat regulation, protection, and a signal for irritation. The thicker fur is lighter than their skin tone, so in the areas with the shorter fur, it will be darker. Where the fur is thinner depends on the Shakarii, but normally the thin fur lines around the stomach, arms, and legs.


The markings on the Shakarii have no meaning, and are simply a pattern on their fur. Shakarii do not associate themselves with a ranked class since they are mostly singular creatures. The patterns are on the base of their mane, which is usually a speckled pattern, zig zagged lines on their elbows, knees, and tail, and a pattern on the edge of their ears.


The Shakarii have excellent hearing. Their hearing is better than their eyesight, so they often rely on that more.

LIFE SPAN As long as a Shakarii is not killed by another, or does not get sick, the Shakarii are immortal.