Remy Drexel



4 years, 5 months ago


Name Remy Drexel
Age 22
Gender Female
Species Candyfloss
Clan Mu
Flavor Peppermintfloss
Theme It's Alright

Height 4'9" ft
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Streamer
Location Kappa Clan
Worth Gift
Owner zomgsevey
Designer Epizootix







  • games
  • cooking
  • ice cream
  • cuddles
  • toxic masculinity
  • humid weather
  • big crowds
  • public attention

I think learning to like myself is the hardest part right now.


Before Remy was even born, her parents had already formulated a plan for her future.

As retired models from the fashion industry and current makeup artists in the Phi Clan, they were big in beauty. They were famous for their looks and expected for their child to at least be like an Adonis. Biologically speaking, they were about to have a baby boy.

Although Remy was assigned with a male sex at birth, she'd always felt like she was female. She never felt comfortable expressing her feelings on the topic of gender identity around her parents though, not when they constantly tried to emphasis being conventionally handsome and masculine around her. They held certain expectations for her, whether she liked it or not.

While growing up, she even had to hang around people that she didn't like, simply because they were her playmates and the offspring of her parents' friends. Whether she liked it or not, they've stuck around by her side since they were kittens and barely able to walk.

Unfortunately, a lot of these 'friends' were shallow assholes who would initiate conflicts against 'less cooler kids' in school. Many of Remy's bullied peers tended to avoid her in the halls, especially since she was strongly associated with her fake asshole friends and had been since childhood. She tried to speak up about the bullying a few times and express her disapproval over it, but to no avail.

They'd simply tell her to 'stop being a pussy' about it and would continue to mistreat others for their own amusement and benefit.

Remy was not happy with her life.

She always felt like she was in the wrong body and she didn't feel like she would ever fit in with her 'friends'. And rather than just leaving them when they never listened to her, she just... kept sticking around.

Because maybe having fake friends was better than being lonely.

Her parents, as the local big shots in the beauty industry, were often 'encouraging' Remy to participate in photoshoots or pushed her to exercise and maintain a certain level of physical fitness in order to help maintain her 'handsome physique'. None of this was good for her gender dysphoria and she was still in the closet about being transgender.

But then one day, shortly after graduating from high school, a pandemic known as the Peppermint Virus conquered the planet of Caramella. Anyone that was exposed to it would transform and grow multiple eyes from a ghostly white fur base. The news of this virus stirred mass panic across the world and Remy was one of the victims that got hit with it.

She became infected and had to be quarantined at a hospital that was able to take her in. The worst aspect about this disease was how badly it affected her appearance.

From head to toe, she was horrendous.

Being able to see with all of her new eyes was disorienting and she constantly felt like shit every tiime she so much as spared a glance at reflection in the mirror.

Her parents could never accept her when she looked like this.

One day, she couldn't take all of the stormy thoughts occupying her mind and broke down crying. The patient that was located right next door to her, a genderfluid Lambda by the name of Dodge, noticed this and tried to awkwardly comfort her. They seemed unfazed by their own Peppermint predicament and were focused solely on helping console Remy instead.

Even though Remy felt humiliated for displaying her emotions like that in such a frantic way, she was also grateful that Dodge tried to help her anyway and found them to be quite considerate. She appreciated them as a person and actually became friends with them over time during their time in quarantine.

Dodge was nothing like any of the people Remy knew from her childhood. They were different, but in a good way. Everything about them put her at ease. She never had to pretend around them. They understood her, they were the first one that she consulted her gender identity in. They were respectful of her preferred pronouns and they were someone that she could talk to without any potential judgement.

As soon as the cure for the Peppermint Virus had been released, Remy was free to return back to her parents in the Phi Clan. However, they were heavily disappointed in her new Peppermint appearance when she met up with them again. She could've almost died throughout this whole thing, but her parents instead chose to fret over her now 'hideous' looks. They couldn't stand to be around their 'son' and wanted to put some distance with Remy.

Remy was essentially kicked out after that. She was incredibly saddened by this at first, but then something that she wouldn't have ever expected happened: Dodge offered her a place to stay at their mansion.

With nowhere else to go, she happily took up on their offer and told them that she hoped she wouldn't be a bother. In return, Dodge just dismissed her claim and told her that they were glad she accepted. They didn't mind at all. If anything, having Remy around helped bring more life to their mansion.

Dodge may be a successful racer with a big name in the Kappa Clan, but they didn't have that many people to hang out with and Remy was one of their closest friends yet.

As the two began living together, romantic tensions began to blossom between the two. Remy didn't realize her own feelings for Dodge until the night after joining them in a formal party event that they were required to go to. It wasn't until a nosy reporter began questioning Dodge's love life at one point and speculated if Remy was their girlfriend or not did she began questioning their relationship status.

Shortly after coming to the conclusion that yes, she did indeed have feelings for Dodge, Remy couldn't help but be more fidgety and nervous around them.

It took a bit before Dodge noticed Remy's change in behavior and decided to talk to her about it. They expressed aloud, out of concern and doubt, if maybe she had already caught onto their romantic feelings for her already and if that's the reason behind why she seemed uncomfortable around them now.

They said, "I’ve liked you since our quarantine days and I didn’t just invite you here out of the kindness of my heart. I’ve had an ulterior motive the whole time, because even if you don’t like me in the same way, I— well I still wanted to be around you."

Remy stopped functioning once she heard that.

Never did she expect this sort of outcome.

And for once, Dodge didn't seem that confident in what they were saying anymore. They were growing apprehensive about Remy's reaction to their confession now, and they tried to tell her that it was okay if she needed time away from them after all of this. In response, however, Remy couldn't help but question: why?

Dodge was actually hurt to hear that. There was pain flashing in their eyes and it was so intense and raw and— and Remy could see it.

“Sometimes I wish you could see the way that I look at you.”

Remy was stunned into silence as Dodge, even if they preferred to express their feelings through actions rather than words, tried their best to explain what they felt for her.

“I don’t care if you don’t believe it, but to me, you’re the nicest and most beautiful person I’ve ever known." There was a crack in their voice as they say this, and it just came spilling out as more get said. "I’ve had friends before. I’ve had lots of friends before. But none of them ever compared to you. Because—because none of them would wait for me like you did back in the waiting room of the hospital, when I got injured that day during racing. None of them would‘ve cried for me like that or have been as patient with me as you've always been. You may not believe it yourself, but please... please try and believe me when I say this."

The way that Dodge looked at Remy, like she was the only thing in their view and nothing else mattered, ached her heart.

“You mean so much to me and that’ll never be a lie.”

And in that moment, Remy couldn't control the full-on sob that escaped from her. There was a squeak, and then a flood of tears just pouring down. No one had ever said anything like that to her before. The fact that this all came from Dodge, the person that meant the world to her, was a lot to take in.

After that, she and Dodge were drawn together in a warm embrace. The details of their relationship after that progressed into something comfortable, something new but exciting that they could both explore together.


The one thing that's evident about Remy is that she's a rather self-conscious individual. Her self-esteem isn't the best, but she is slowly learn to look at all of her flaws, or the things that she perceives to be flaws, in a less negative light.

Her confidence may not be all that high, but she does still make an effort to do the things that she wants to do. She's quite patient and likes to handle things gently. Sometimes she's not the best at words and might fumble with making a coherent response, she can get flustered easily when discussing embarrassing topics, but she still tries her best when engaged in conversations.

Lastly, she has a strong distaste against anyone who displays rude, aggressive, and harmful behaviors against others, whether it's through bullying or whatever else.

  • Remy doesn't really need to work when she's living and currently in an intimate relationship with Dodge. If anything, they're set for life with the amount of money that Dodge earns from their occupation. However, as a fun side hustle, she does like to stream games on Twitch.
  • As a Mu Floss, Remy has healng powers. When it comes to her Mu abilities, she's a little below average in terms of performance. She's never had that much of a reason to practice them all that much before. Nowadays, however, she'll exercise her powers by helping heal any minor injuries that Dodge might receive whenever they're accidentally being reckless.
  • Her parents originally named her Remington, as her full and official name, but Remy has moved on from that dead name and prefers to not use it. It's honestly too fancy and masculine for her.
  • She prefers to wear concealing clothing, such as coats, long sleeves, etc. Whenever she's at home and it's just her and Dodge, however, she doesn't mind showing her shoulders around them sometimes.
  • It took two years before she and Dodge finally took the next step to their relationship... in bed. Dodge had actually been rather self-conscious about their body, since they possess both male and female parts, and lack of experience. While having that conversation, Remy reassured them that it was all fine with her and now they're currently happy together with that aspect of their relationship as well.

Dodge Challenger
[ lover ]

Dodge is her lover, her genderlfuid partner. Remy first met them when they were thrown in quarantine together in the same hospital room. Their beds were right next to each other and Dodge was the one to initiate a conversation. They noticed Remy being distressed about her new appearance and tried to awkwardly comfort her. After a while of talking back and forth during their time in the hospital together, Remy and Dodge eventually became good friends that were comfortable talking to each other. They also became roommates at that point, since Dodge offered Remy a place to stay after she had nowhere else to go when her parents couldn't stand to be around her anymore. Once they began their cohabitation, mutual romantic feelings began to blossom between the two (and Remy realized them one night while being with Dodge at a big fancy party) and eventually they got together after realizing that they’ve been loving each other for a while now. (Dodge was the one to confess first and it was a whole emotional ordeal for them before they finally gave the status of their relationship with some satisfying closure by dating.)


Kiki Wutermalon
[ close online friend ]

Kiki is an online friend that Remy first met shortly after quarantine had ended for her. Remy is more of an indoors person, so it's only natural that she gravitated toward playing games during her free time. She and Kiki first met and bonded over a shared interest in games. From there, they became friendly gaming partners and then eventually friends that could talk about anything with each other. Kiki herself is also trans and understands Remy's gender dysphoria and struggles.


Yuta Komaeda
[ former friend ]

Yuta was someone that Remy used to hang out with a lot as a kid. He was part of the mean 'friends' group that Remy felt obligated to be around. After she'd left the group behind to find her own path in life, Yuta tried to make amends with her and rekindle their friendship. However, Remy just didn't feel all that comfortable around him. She appreciated the fact that he tried, but things just weren't going to be the same anymore. After bidding him farewell, Remy moved to the Kappa Clan with Dodge and never looked back. She's just glad to know that he's at least trying to make his own path in life as well.


Ryan Nyan
[ gaming acquaintance ]

Ryan, otherwise known as the username Darla_Darling, is some famous gamer that Remy doesn't actually recognize too well. She once took 'her' down with ease in a fighting game. That was cool. Nowadays, she'll see Darla online and vaguely recall her presence on the gaming platform that she'll frequent.

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