


4 years, 1 month ago


Rouge, also known as the afterlife’s bounty hunter is a demon in control of regulating the afterlife. When bad people die and learn what fate awaits them in the afterlife they flee back to earth in the hopes of evading death. When these people eventually come back to life, Rouge is sent to hunt them down and drag them back to hell. 


Rouge is also responsible for helping normal spirits navigate the afterlife. Spirits navigate a dark maze like void before reaching their final destination 

It’s easy for spirits, especially child spirits to get lost or disoriented. Rouge is sent to find them and guide them to their final destination. Rouge is often seen comforting lost souls and giving flowers. 


*( Small Fragments of structures and architecture from all points in time can be found scattered throughout the void giving off small amounts of light) 

(( basically the back rooms)) 


*Rouge has a comforting presence 

*Rouges favorite flowers to give are roses 

*Rouge is known to linger in quiet places on earth like cathedrals and churches

*Rouge will carry tired spirits and child spirits on her back 

*The key around rouges neck is s skeleton key that unlocks the doors to all afterlife destinations 

*There has been several sightings of rouge on earth throughout history. To humans she is an urban legend. 
