Marseillieilieligoh 🥺



4 years, 20 days ago

Basic Info

Original Character

Please do not use her for inspiration


her profile is a big WIP


goon gaga

Marseille Adellez
Female (she/her)
Personality Type
ESFP-A (Entertainer)
Black +Mixed
Street preformer
acrobatics, vaudville, slight-of-hand, animal handling, deception, persuasion, insight
  • Attention
  • Thrills
  • Escargo
  • Rooftops
  • Couples/Romance
  • Serious/strict people
  • Being questioned
  • Losing control
  • Often mistaken for a boy
  • Ate her twin in the womb
  • Over her lifetime she gets severe amnesia like 3 times
  • Never went to a real school (would have a -5 for history checks)
  • Speaks broken English; learned Spanish from Vido
  • it's pronounced "Mar-say" or "Martz-aye". She was named after a city in France but that's gotta be the equivalent of naming an american girl "America"

Marsielle is a pretty jovial person, always chatting with others and flitting about Paris. Despite her troublesome past, she lives a pretty happy and fulfilling life for a while. She spends most of her time around her circus troupe, and if she's not with them, she's probably with Vido and Kaiser. Marseille also tends to be pretty wreckless and tomboyish, often making her out to be a trouble maker, but it's all in light-hearted fun.

She also happens to have quite a bit of street knowledge, and is very aware of the con artists and tricksters attempting to get the better of tourists (and when she can, she gently gets in the way of con artist's schemes). Deception is one of her great specialties, she'll especially put on a naive act in front of others if it's to get something she wants (sometimes for safety, sometimes to learn some intel).

Despite her smarts, she lacks quite a bit of emotional intelligence, and can be very immature and petty when it comes to her interpersonal relationships. Especially when it comes to Vido. In her eyes, Vido is the most important person in the world, and she would do anything to protect him and their relationship. They truly are close friends, Marseile even looking up to Vido as a mentor, but it leans on codepency at times.

The truth is that Vido doesn't need Marseille as much as she needs him, so when he gets into a romantic relationship with Kaiser, it throws Marseille off the rails. But since she's terrible at understanding her own emotions, or how to express them in a healthy way, it manifests as a huge passive aggressive attitude. Instead of being her regular friendly self, she becomes closed off and very rude

She is thought to be sort of a natural entertainer, most people like her and she is always friendly and joyous on the outside. She often says things without thinking, at this point it is a habit for her to blurt out whatever she thinks is funny even if it makes a situation awkward or bad. In any case she likes to get her adrenaline pumping.

Marseille is very courageous and she's proud of it. For years she learned to work in front of crowds and get over small mistakes. She is normally not very self conscious or self aware, so she often doesn't care if people have a problem with her. Most things don't bother her, except when it comes to personal relationships.

Childhood (wip)

Write about their background/story here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.

Circe de Paris (wip)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.

Vido and Kaiser (wip)

Marseille first met Vido while running errands for [troupe]. [troupe] recently made a parmanent home in Paris, though without stable bank records, many places did not want to entrust them with a loan to help pay for the appartments the members of [troupe] were to live in. [store] was the only place that offered to help provide a loan. Each week, Marseille would bring a paycheck back for the loan, giving it to Vido each time, as he was always at the counter when she came. The two became casual aquantances, visiting for bit before Marseille would bid goodbye to run other errands.

After the tragedy that burnt down [troupe]'s appartment, Marseille practically had nothing else to do. Still in total shock, Marseille performed the weekly routine, like a strange dance she had practiced for years. She visits Vido's shop again, something clearly wrong. Her spark of joy is gone and she hangs solemly at the door before Vido invites her in. She stares down and hands him the check, unable to yet process her emotions.


she fREAKING love Vido, they are like family, always want his attention


She has an awkward relationship with Kaiser as he has a romantic relationship with Vido. Their interactions are always awkward when they are alone together. Vido is the only real reason that they have any connection at all. Despite considering herself a people person, Marseille can't seem to crack this egg head.

(WIP) Speedwagon Foundation

When she was a baby, Marseille was stolen from her biological parents by mysterious person. Mysterious person raised her as their own until mysterious circumstances and they died. Then the Speedwagon Foundation took custody of her around the age of five because of a "severe condition" she had that would risk her death. She was raised in a Speedwagon facility by researchers, and eventually one of them became like an adoptive mother to her. After scary event, adoptive researcher mother sacrifices her life to save Marseille. Marsielle is saved but her newly formed stand has been split into two counterparts and she loses memory of the event, but never being able to shake off the sad feeling that she lost someone dear.

(WIP) Polnareff and Circe de la Paris

After the Speedwagon incident, it was discovered that Marseille had a relation to the stand-user Jean Pierre Polnareff, who helped relocate her into a new home and a new life back in Paris where she joined a circus troupe and began training under insert circus mom. She became very adapt in her abilities, finding that she was a natural entertainer and adored every aspect of the performance.

(WIP) Circus mom

she has a feral raccoon and smokes tabacco

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