Dagnyr Bloodfang



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Dagnyr Bloodfang

Nickname(s): Dag

Species: Gnoll

Pronouns: He/Him

Class: Paladin - Oath of Conquest / MulticlassWarlock - Pact of the Fiend (Boon: Pact of the Blade) (Maybe..... still not decided on whether or not to multiclass.)

Background: Outlander

Occupation/Hobby: Hunter, Mercenary, anything with the opportunity for Dagnyr to drink the blood of his enemies, devour their flesh, and crunch through their bones.

Origin: As a young whelp, Dagnyr was raised as a soldier of the clan—a devout warrior imbued with power of their Lord, who could strike fear into the hearts of his enemies before striking them down; he loves nothing more than to be on the front lines in the heat of battle. Dag's dream is to make a pact with his Lord Yeenoghu so that he may offer himself in eternal service. One cold evening, the clan had been celebrating recent victories and was settling down in their dens when a rustling among the trees and brush alerted the guards that were taking their posts. Before suspicions could mount in any meaningful response, a band of Baphomet worshipers descended upon their camp, crying out about "destroying the Yeenoghu worshiping scum". Dag was among the perimeter guards as he decided to accompany them on their rounds for the evening as he would do—tonight however, they were taken by surprised and as roars of enraged surprise rose, Dagnyr was bowled over, slamming into the dirt and having the wind knocked from his lungs. The attackers continued to overrun the camp, some trampling Dagnyr as they ran in to engage the first Gnoll they came in contact with, a pair of Minotaur stopped where Dag lay on the ground trying to recover and began to beat him—his pack was being slaughtered and here he was, vulnerable, and unable to get up. 

Dagnyr was at the precipice of death being beaten by his family's murderers—it was here that he lost his ear and received most of his facial scarring—he was consumed with raging bloodlust, erupting with pure energy, and lashed out at his attackers. Slashing and biting, ripping and tearing at any body he could get ahold of, Dagnyr did not stop until the last of the invaders was dead before him. Dag sat there soaked in blood and looked at the bodies that surrounded him. His friends and family, mentors and masters, all dead. But also, the blasphemous vermin that had overrun their camp, were all dead. Mostly Minotaur, Dag noted, but some devout worshipers of other races too. Amidst his bloody rage it was difficult to discern one body from another, especially now as they were all bloody piles of flesh and bone shredded to bits. Dagnyr was the last of his pack, the Bloodfang Tribe, from this point on he vowed to fight in the name of his pack and his Lord Yeenoghu to bring bloody, ravaging demise to any and all worshipers of Baphomet. Dag feasted on the flesh and bones of his enemies as a means of catharsis while he processed what had just transpired. After some time had passed and the full moon was high in the night sky, Dagnyr searched among the bodies until he found that of the pack leader. Carefully, he extracted one of the pack leader's fangs and fashioned himself a necklace so that he would always carry a part of his pack with him. With that, Dagnyr wandered off into the night to begin his journey on the path of vengeance.

Personality & Traits: Dagnyr is a vicious fighter, embodying the ferocity of his patron the Lord of Savagery, Beast of Butchery, Ruler of Ruin, Destroyer, the Demon Prince of Gnolls—Yeenoghu. Though Dag will carry on alliances and friendships with individuals who can help him in one way or another, he only truly trusts and expresses care for fellow devout worshipers of the Gnoll Lord Yeenoghu. Though there were a handful of different races present in the raid on his pack, Dagnyr loathes Minotaurs especially, as it was in the name of their patron Demon Lord Baphomet that his family was torn asunder. Because of this, after any battle Dagnyr has with a Minotaur, he collects their horns as trophies, sometimes using them to make armor and weapon adornments. After collecting his trophies of battle, Dagnyr will feast on upon the bodies of his felled foes, this makes him feel connected to Yeenoghu.

Ideals: "Maintain peace out of necessity—if I can gain greater reward by staying my blood lust temporarily and maintaining friendships, utilizing them to my best interests, then I will do so."

Bond: "I wish to gain the favor of my Lord, Yeenoghu, so that one day I may be granted by Him a Shoosuva of my own. To avenge the slaughter of my pack, I hunt and kill any worshiper of Baphomet that I cross paths with."

Flaws: Can quickly lose composure and become ravenous at the scent of fresh blood. | Has little tolerance for ignorance. | The only time he is known to bathe is when he happens to wade through a river. Absolutely reeks of blood, sweat, and whatever (or whomever) he devoured recently.

Misc. Character Stats: Height - 7' | Weight - 345 lbs | Age - 16 years | Alignment - Chaotic Evil | Patron - Yeenoghu, Demon Prince of Gnolls