


4 years, 30 days ago


name; Orchid/ Orchid`Agony

gender; molly

age; 21 moons

sexuality; lesbian

rank; warrior/ medic

personality; Orchid'Agony is very regal, carrying a sort of elegance about her with every little thing she does. her posture is always perfect, eyes lazily fluttered halfway open to reveal a beautiful partial gaze. she is confident, especially with her looks and talents. the molly knows she’s a stunner, and often finds herself flirting or attempting to charm others to get ahead if needed. Orchid'Agony is also extremely articulate and intelligent, sometimes finding herself daydreaming in the warm sunlight when she is relaxing from her duties. she loves to hum to herself, sometimes a little song or two, or even a poem. despite her more carefree disposition, Orchid is very serious about warrior code. She has very acute senses. Also she has the ability to breathe underwater.

description; Orchid'Agony is very lilthe and long-legged. despite her thin frame, she has a decent bit of muscle, especially in her legs. she is an extremely talented swimmer, preferring to be in water or on the ground rather than up in trees.