


4 years, 4 days ago



Name Jupiter
Gender Male
ObtainedPurchased for 60$
Significant Other None
Rules None provided
Species Human

RoleConspiracy/alien podcaster

  • Outfit can vary

✔/ Charismatic - Witty - Imaginative - Natural Storyteller - XX - XX

X/ Overbearing - Talks a lot - Dense at times -  Excitable - Hyperfocuses 

Jupiter is a well-spoken, goofy, and optimistic weirdo. He's silly in the most charming way, and generally spends his time trying to make people smile with his joking around and exuberant personality. He loves to tell stories and while he takes journalistic integrity quite seriously- there's fun to be had in acting out a dramatic fake scene when you've told your audience its fake beforehand.

He tends to hyperfixate on new ideas or legends he's learned about until he finds as much as he can on it- or moves to the next focus. 

He has a ton of energy, and it's rare to find him sitting still for long.


  • He loves memes and makes his own, feel free to make fun of him for it

Jupiter was always fascinated with aliens. Sure, he knows conspiracy theories- aliens- cryptids, all that doesn't exist...right? Well, of course not. But it's still fun to talk about and research. Since early ages he could be found with books on myth and lore and folktales and he carried that love through adulthood.

 Starting a podcast in his late teens he discussed his favorites, earning some traction- enough of a following that it sparked his interest in making it a full time job. He went to college for journalism while running his podcast on the side, learning how to make it more professional. 

He does the best he can to tell a story, and -while making sure listeners know all information is speculative or fictitious, He tries to find any legitimate information he can just to spice things up. He always ends his podcasts with explaining the real like connotations and historical information. 


  • Aliens and space
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Telling stories
  • Researching things

  • Disinformation
  • Mushrooms
  • Poor audio quality
  • Pinapple pizza

Name relationship

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Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.