


4 years, 4 months ago


 the stars write the music for me 
  • stars
  • music
  • beauty
  • gold
  • dirt
  • blood
  • cities
  • silence

Despite the high expectations of his parents, that Aindrias should become a mighty warrior, he chose a different path. His love for music let him become a bard. As he still wanted to be able to protect himself and others, he learned to use a bow efficiently.

Aindrias enjoys to travel alone. Even though he always enjoys the company of others, he likes the freedom that only comes with choosing your own destinations. He avoids the big cities, prefers to stay in smaller villages where he loves to connect to the locals.

He usually finds short relationships wherever he goes. He doesn't stay in contact with most of them. To stay in his mind a person needs to be very special. Drias doesn't try to be rude, but he can be rather shallow and self-centered. He helps whenever help is needed and never minds the extra coin when someone offers him a quest. Although he never likes to do "dirty" work.

He doesn't speak much about his past. Some assume that he must've had a rich family in some big city, because he seems to have a broad knowledge about science and religion, more than the avarage person.

A series of events leads him into a city he tried to avoid for the longest time. There he meets Arjun for the first time and falls in love with them instantly. Their world-views are very different, so it's not easy for them to come closer or find any ground to build a friendship up.

  • He hates the smell of vanilla
  • He used to play the lute before he switched to the violin
  • The only travel companion he enjoys and tolarets is the halfling Tommy
  • He knows the names of many stars, likes to stay up at night to just stare at the sky for answers
  • Most people like him at first until they realiye how shallow and materialistic he can be. They make like him at a later point again when they see through his surface and learn that there is more to him.

Love Interest



Love at first sight with a lot of bumpy first tries and another long and bumpy road to get where they want to be eventually. They believe in different things, follow different religions and grew up in a completely different world. In the end they learnt that they have more in common than they originally assumed.

Best Friend



Tommy is a Halfling that Aindrias encounters at some point on his journeys. He is quirky and kind of childish. Drias likes about him that he never judges him or others. It's a nice change to the people he usually meets. Tommy has a very small attention span which can be annoying for Drias, but at the same time it challenges him to create better music, to be able to hold Tommy's attention for more than 10 seconds some day.

Childhood Best Friend


