
4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Kira

Gender: Male

Likes: The dark, Japanese horror(better scares that American horror), Classic horror films, HALLOWEEN BITCHES, cats, his makeshift family

Dislikes: People that waste time pandering about, anyone that constantly nags others, bright lights, anything Christmassy before December

Perso: Kira is mostly laid back and relaxed when alone, but as soon as he's put with someone from his family, he's completely different. Sure, he's normally a sarcastic ass anyway, but it seems to become 100x stronger, and he gains a lot of sass. He is definitely protective over the group, and won't ever stand by and let people insult them. With his mastery of the shadows, amongst other spiritual powers, he can easily make someone's life a living hell, and has done so on many occasions.

He's not always sharp tongues or riddlesome to people, and you will often find that he's nothing more than a prankster than someone intent on hurting others. Putting all of those things aside, he's always someone you can rely on, despite his habit of trickery, since if he sees something as being important or sentimental to someone else, he won't joke, and will take it completely seriously.

Bio: Before joining the group, Kira spent most of his days roaming around Oriental countries, along with his brothers in arms. During this time, he went around and punished anyone that insulted someone for being different. Of course, this got boring after a while, so he opted for taking a more human form and lived amongst the people there for a while. Being an immortal spirit, he had to possess people to be able to live amongst them, which ended up getting him into a few hairy situations which he ended up having to bail from.

It was only a few hundred years ago, that he actually found a form that would allow him to live in peace. He'd been wandering around in a few new places when he came across a suffering Lyth, that could not die. So he made an offer; He would release the Lyth of it's misery in return for possession over the body. It was a simple enough process, taki over the body, however his soul became trapped in the form and fused with it, meanings had the form permanently, but he still had all his powers, albeit he lost his ability to possess things for more than 3 hours.

making do with what he had now, he wandered around till he came across a small group consisting of a witch, a legend, and a storybook come to life. Oh, and a weird thing that kept screaming at him...

Never the less, the group welcomed him as one of their own, and so he has sworn to protect them, and has never left them since.