Protecter [Porter]



4 years, 1 month ago



 NickNameS  Porter
 species  Guardian
 sex None
 gender  Male [He/Him]
 World  Clear
 Color  Red
 Magic  Earth
 role  Town guardian, protector of a bean
 themesong  None Yet  



   Defender is a very closed off individual, they tend to stick to shorter direct answers when asked questions and tend to grow rather uncomfortable in social situations. They're very dedicated to their job, and don't tend to question orders, just follow them, it prevents confrontation. At heart he's a very sweet individual, who just enjoys spending peaceful time with Bean and watching the sunset. 

Defender was one of the first created guardians, soon after followed his closest friends and work partners. Dede, then known as Defender was the quietest of the lot, although he tended to be more easy going and chill. He often could be seen on the edge of the wall, looking out. He always offered to take the night shifts, just so he could watch the setting sun past the hills, it was his favorite thing. However, after the incident that cost Warren's life, and scared Shield, Defendr became more distant, blaming it on himself. He was Warren's closest friend, so the loss hit him the hardest. He was fairly good at hiding his grief, however it was still very present in him. One day while patrolling, he found Bean, a small pathetic creature outside the walls. Now, creatures outside the walls were supposed to remain outside the walls, but it looked far too pathetic to just leave there. He left and returned with the small creature on his back. Keeper mocks him for being so soft, and many pass him odd looks for the strange creature that tends to hang about on his soul item (the carpet). The catbean was unable to pronounce his name, calling him Dede rather than Defender, and well- he actually prefers the nickname, even if Keeper teases him to hell and back for it. 

The best image to use to get a general idea of what Dede looks like! Don't forget the Carpet on his back! He always wears it.
Just a cute little image to understand their size difference and general vibe! Dede is big boi


4127188?GUARD --- [Work Friend]
"... Seems alright... they try too 'ard. I... I keep callin' him Warren, can't help it. They're not even that similar... I wonder when he'll be back." 
4951561?1577814276OTTELLE ---- [annoyance]
"... She never shuts up. I hope she'll stop bein' so disrespectful to Mayor, he really ain't so bad.