₀₂ | Tsua



4 years, 1 month ago





♔ Personality

Everybody has a front of some sort, especially someone like Tsua. Tsua is quite literally the embodiment of "fake it 'till you make it'". Anyone who first encounters Tsua will come to a similar conclusion: She is very cocky and jokes around way too much. Tsua carries herself with an air of confidence - arguably, arrogance - and always seem self-assured in what she is doing. Her smug nature is not unfounded as she only boasts about what she is skilled at, but it can be extremely obnoxious to deal with. Tsua wants to convince people that everything she does is effortless, however, she is actually a very hard-working person with big goals. Tsua always holds herself up to high standards and has ambitions that are just barely in her reach. She wouldn't let anyone klnow that, though. In order to hide just how much effort she puts in, Tsua always maintains a chill front. This is where her comedic nature comes in. As focused as Tsua is on what she's doing, there is always enough time and energy for her to spare witty remarks. She has a very brash way of speaking, not filtering anything that comes through her mind. Tsua makes plenty of raunchy jokes, sarcastic remarks, and teases the people around her (if they seem okay with it, that is). She just can't keep her mouth shut, which can make her come across as blunt. To put it frankly, Tsua is an asshole.

Despite this defensive front, Tsua is actually a very insecure person. No matter what she does, Tsua believes it isn't good enough. It has instilled a sense of hopelessness in her that she desperately tries to fight, but her standards for herself and her work continuously raise to the point she just cannot meet it anymore. Tsua doesn't want people to know how she feels, so she puts up walls and shuts people out emotionally. Tsua is slowly coming to the realization that she is burnt out, but she isn't sure what she wants to do if she does become burnt out. Tsua is slowly reaching a point where she hyperfocuses only on what she is "good" at and neglects all else, causing her conflicts with the people around her.

♔ Lore

Tsua was created as an Expeller Demon, a Demon that wards off parasitic spirits from mortals. From a young age, she was always driven by ambition. Growing up in the Samael Valley, Tsua always had good examples to follow and inspire her. She wanted to be amazing at what she did, eventually making her way to the top rank for Expeller Demons, Rank Zero. She was always determined, working as hard as she could alongside her friend, Faline, to be the best in the school. Tsua as a child was always very irritated with the people around her. Tsua always felt like her peers were at the same skill level as her, yet they seemed to be getting more opportunities than her. If her mentors were acknowledging her skills, why were people around her moving faster than her? Tsua became resentful and did everything she could to try and move her way up during her education.

As skilled as she was at combat and even maintained a collected head during her missions, Tsua always felt inadequate. She never understood why, but it began to slowly seep into her mentality. She was being choked by ssomething that was out of her control, eventually resulting in her stationing at New Diamanda with Faline. As much as Tsua cared for Faline, she resented the fact they had been looped together when Tsua had proved she was far more skilled than Faline would ever be. She began to neglect her duties to try and escape the suffocation.

That was, until Faline discovered she was a Succubus. Now, New Diamanda was in Tsua's hands and she had no idea how to handle that responsibility. Currently, Tsua is trying to work out her new responsibilities and build genuine confidence in herself. She has the skills... but does she have faith?

Personality Traits

Cocky Tsua always seems to have overwhelming confidence in herself, especially when it comes to competing with her own peers.

Sarcastic Paired with her cocky attitude is sarcasm, which makes for a not-so-fun combo when talking with her.

Insecure Despite her smug tendencies, there is a deep-set insecurity in her mentality. An overcompensation, if you will.

Ambitious Tsua always has big goals set up for herself. The sky is the limit, baby!

Expeller Traits

Enhanced Strength Because Tsua's job revolves around physical combat, she has enhanced strength to make her work less physically taxxing.

Balance Manipulation Tsua can change her center of balance at convenience, making it easier for her to move certain ways.

Teleportation Tsua has minor teleportation abilities, mostly for flashing between spots and/or disposing of parasitic spirits.

Weapon Proficiency Tsua can use most weapons with little practice. She won't be spectacular at any of them, but she can scrape by in emergencies.


Sailor Outfits Tsua's favorite type of outfits to wear are grunge and sailor-inspired.

Dirty Jokes She gets a kick out of them, especially for shock factor.

Anime/Manga She's a weeb. Her favorite character is Kakashi Hatake from Naruto.

Weapon Combat Tsua is extremely interested in being able to wield all weapons. She particulalry has a fascination with blades.

Urban Exploration Tsua enjoys exploring cities to find cool hidden spots to hang out at.

Secret Hideouts Her favorite hideout is an abandoned lounge tucked underneath one of the highways near her condo.

Lingerie It's pretty!


Skin tone
Pale w/pink undertones
Hot Pink [Top], Electric Blue [Bottom]
Hair Color
Black w/Blue and Pink
Hair Style
Short Hime


  • Tsua's hair is layered, with shorter fronts and a longer back.
  • She has electric blue strands of hair in her bangs and the front of her hair.
  • She wears hot pink makeup around her eyes.
  • Her thigh-high and garter are the same length.


Tsua is a Slytherin.

She is quite a night-owl and tends to stay up late.

Tsua is very fond of platform sneakers.

Her favorite food is Thai beef noodles.

She gets dehydrated very easily and tends to carry around a water bottle because of it. It is extremely dented.

The back of her hair is usually very messy.



Faline Close Friend.


Omaira Mentor.


Blaire Rival.