


4 years, 1 month ago


rarity x blueblood

gender: cis woman (she/her)

sexuality: straight

voice claim: felicia day as penny (plus another good heartthrob voice claim)

talent: organizing/home makeovers a la marie kondo


rarity and blueblood actually hit it off the next time they met - at twilight's coronation. blueblood winced and apologized for his awful behavior - he had been having a terrible night and has felt bad ever since, knowing he must have ruined her night. she laughed it off, remembering the night much more fondly now that years had passed, and something sparked in them. it wasn't long before they'd fallen head over heels and soon after marriage, a child was on the way. when she came out, though... well, she had wings. at first blueblood was shocked, horrified that his wife had cheated on him but rarity's cries that she had been faithful were much too genuine to not be truthful. a dna test revealed that darling was, in fact, blueblood's own daughter - but now it was time to figure out what had happened. turns out, blueblood's mother had cheated on her husband and hadn't told a soul. blueblood had pegasus blood in him - something that would have been highly frowned upon in upper class unicorn society. darling's parents, however, accepted her with open arms and love her unconditionally - of  course, having to call on friends with wings to help their daughter grow up with them. darling is a soft spoken, gentle woman with almost nothing but love in her heart. she thrives off of helping others reorganize their life and find comfort in removing chaos. she's not above standing up for herself or her friends, and will do so fiercely if diplomacy doesn't work. she grew up in canterlot in and around the royal palace, becoming friends with the sullen gray unicorn who often roamed the halls alone. heartthrob and darling would become close friends for their entire childhood and it was no surprise when the two started dating in their late teens. she knows he's pretty rough around the edges, and she knows he's not too friendly to anyone but her, but she sees the best in him and recognizes a tenderness that no one else can.