Anonymous (Old Design | Do Not Use!!)



Name: Anonymous

Nickname[s]: Annie, Nonny

Race: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Stylized Silhouette of a pony head

Talent: Shape-shifter [Can disguise herself as any pony. However, her cutie mark remains the same through shifts. Her burn scar will also stay when they shift]

History: Anonymous was born to loving parents in a very poor household. When a fire tragically killed them both and left a large burn scar on her haunches, she was sent first to the hospital for treatment, then sent to an orphanage. She didn't really have a name, since her parents were so poor and no one really knew them or her. As a result, the hospital care workers took to calling her the Anonymous Filly - Annie for short. And she was so young that she didn't really remember what her parents had called her. When she was sent to the orphanage and they asked her name, she replied that it was "Anonymous." And with pony naming conventions being as they are, no one really questioned it.
When she was a bit older, she was heavily teased by the other foals for not having her cutie mark when all of them did, and often would hide from them to escape the teasing. One time, she was wishing very hard to be someone else, and when she opened her eyes, she felt somewhat taller. Looking at herself, she noticed that her hooves were a different colour, and her hair no longer fell in front of her face. Upon seeing her, the other foals stepped back in confusion, especially the leader, who was what Annie now looked like, except with no cutie mark and a burn scar on their back. 
It was that day that Anonymous discovered their talent. They accepted a more gender-fluid identity, since they were able to switch to male or female at will so easily. 

Personality: Anonymous is quiet and reserved in their own body, and rather shy. They tend not to spend much time in it though, taking on the body and personality of other ponies is just so easy, and who would want to be ones-self when they can be anypony? When in the form of other ponies, they are able to exactly copy the personality and voice of said pony, such that even their closest friends and family cannot tell the difference. Until they see the cutie mark and burn scar, that is. So Anonymous usually wears some kind of cloak to hide the scar and mark.