


4 years, 1 month ago


Owner: Tehutiy
Name: Moldova
Gender: Female
Species: Lycaskel
Age: Adolescent
Mutations: N/A

Personality: Commanding and incredibly aggressive against interlopers Moldova won't tolerate any aggression from those around her. She prefers staying on her own to study rather than dealing with the 'fools'in the world at large. She tolerates very few people, and fewer still seem to be comfortable around her due to her appearance and gruff demeanor. It takes an exceptionally long time for her to warm up to most people, and even when she does her affection seems harsh and her countenance cool toward others. She's the type to snap at you for being a fool, then drop what you need (or what she decides you need) atop your head with a huff after the fact.
Moldova came to the agency just as she would have become a fearsome alpha but before she was actually able to fight for that position; Choosing instead to try and learn more of the other creatures and the keepers at the Agency and putting off her bid for a 'true' Alpha role for the present. The alpha mentality and need to protect have remained however. She has a very aggressive and dominant streak when challenged, and remains somewhat distant to help facilitate this; She feels she has to be tough for her pack, to defend them, and so tries to keep her emotions in check. Beneath the 'shell'however she cares deeply for those she accepts into her pack and does her best for those who come to her for assistance. The Lycaskel refuses to back down from a challenge or to be bested for long; She will repeat an endeavor, no matter how futile, until she manages to succeed. Furthermore, once you manage to impress her -be it with your bravery or intelligence- you gain this loyalty and tenacity for whatever trials you may encounter.