Basic Info




10 Years of light use


5ft 10 in


Male Programing

Reason for deactivation

Sold because he was not used a lot

Pesterchum Handel



Vogel the Animatronic Quaker Parrot

Accoridons FTW

Vogel has a very happy program. He was designed for special events and such. One noticable time that he was used was during Oktoberfest in wich he would play assorted songs fitting of the events. He was also programed to identify song request. Besides having his own section for his events he was also duel programed to interact with Foxy for other random events. When interacting with Foxy he would play Pirate shantys. 

At night Vogle is not vicious to the night guard.Similar to to BB he will come in the room and just stand there attacting the other animatronics with his songs. His music playing makes it hard to hear key audio cues such as someone moving into the ventWhen moving assorted songs will play for roughtly 5 seconds after he has changed location.