Sacha Laufeyson



4 years, 1 month ago


Sacha is 21 years old, the eldest of the Laufeyson family, and live with her two sisters Raven and Lilith as well as their "mother". She spends a lot less time at home than her sisters though, and doesn't tell anyone what she's doing when she's away. Probably traveling. She's kind of the mom friend of the group and is always doing her best to cheer the others up - sometimes with aggressive positivity if the girls are talking shit about themselves. She has some anger issues but has learned to manage them over the years. They usually show when she gets protective of her family against someone else. She's not a very social person but doesn't have any problem spending time with others or meeting new people. 

Her relationship with her family is a bit complex. She's the voice of reason in the group and has sided with either one of her family members in disagreements, but she doesn't like to get too involved in drama. She doesn't hesitate to call the others out when they make mistakes, but she loves her family and would do anything for them.

Her supernatural abilities are centred on her family: she can feel whenever one of them is having very strong emotions, and teleport herself to the location of any one of them. The limits of her abilities aren't very clear but she makes very little use of it, unless someone really needs her. Her left eye's color changes depending on her mood, usually it's grey but it turns gold when she's happy. She's the only kid in the family who doesn't have wings.

House: Hufflepuff
Sexuality/gender: ace and aro, probably agender (she presents femininely but just doesn't care about her gender)
Alignment: alternates between lawful and chaotic good