


9 years, 3 months ago


My incredibly large and terrifying daughter whom I love and fear in equal measure. She is 10 feet tall in demon form, has a wingspan of 20 feet and is covered in heavily armored scales.

Morynenth (also known as Sam) was a very low-ranking fire demon who was utterly miserable with her life. She was born without the ability to control fire, making her the subject of torment and ridicule by other demons. She was summoned out of Hell by inept 17th century Spanish cultists; they had managed to botch the summoning ceremony, and as a result Morynenth wasn't bound to them and could do whatever she wanted. She killed them all after they attempted to fix their mistake and send her back.

With her new found freedom, she spent the next three hundred years goofing off. She 'borrowed' one of the cultist's human forms as a disguise and wandered around the world doing various things including:

  • Terrorizing Spanish peasants
  • Exploring most of 17th century Europe
  • Being a pirate, then living on her dirty pirate money in the Caribbean
  • Pootling around revolutionary America
  • Convincing rich old men to write her into their will, then waiting for them to die and taking all their stuff
  • Opening a speakeasy during prohibition
  • Cheating on TV quiz shows by using her first-hand historic experience to answer questions
She joined the RamRaiders in 1998 because she was bored and thought it would be entertaining to be a 'superhero' for a while. Thereafter she helped to save the world from time travelling nazis, an evil corporation and the 'Apocalypse Heaven vs Hell' war in the year 2000. She sided with the angels because Hell is full of pricks and the Earth is where all her stuff is. After the dust settled, Morynenth retired to live in the Caribbean with her son, Azazel, her two romantic partners and their extended family. She was granted the position of Lord of the Flies by Lucifer, he was impressed by her rebellious nature and claimed that he 'always likes an under-dog'.
Everything is fine until we start a new campaign :,)