

7 years, 5 months ago





Oxeohns are an ancient, magical species, whose powers revolve around the manipulation of light and energy. With thick skin and agile bodies, they can survive in almost any climate, including extreme and harsh weather.
They pride themselves in strength and perseverance, the strongest of their kind seen as blessed by the Gods, and the weaker as puzzle pieces of a larger picture. Oxeohn's generally choose light over heavy armor, but some wear thick clothing as a statement, or personal preference as well.




As a species, Oxeohns can live up to several hundreds of years, thanks to their superior strength and endurance, but the average life span ranges between 120-140 years. 

They are a generally peaceful, and nomadic species, and only larger tribes and communities settle in single places. This is usually the case if the area is especially lively and easy to grow, or hunt in, but some Oxeohns simply settle because they feel like it.

They consider themselves very free folk, and abide by very little laws due to the fact that they really have no reason to commit neither delinquency nor misconduct. Any type of violence within their society is either consensual/power battle, defense, or for hunting purposes. Nothing is stopping them for wreaking havoc but their kind and nurturing nature. But that being said, there is a lot of power struggle and rough-housing among younger Oxeohns, as being physically strong and healthy is considered a blessing and good luck, so if there is ever an opportunity to wrestle or break out their weapons in good fun, they will usually do so with passion. There are of course others whom simply fight because they just enjoy doing so, but violent or extremely devout individuals usually stick together in order not to cause trouble.

↣ Gems

Oxeohns posess two types on gems on their persons, a Life Gem, and an Energy gem. The former is located on their chest, and commonly hidden beneath clothing, whilst the Energy Gem is located on their tail. The Life Gem is their personal life storage, and the Energy Gem is the source of their magic, and can be both tapped into, and absorb from it's surroundings.

↣ Ferality

Since they did derive from a more feral species, not all Oxeohns and similarly identical, personal differences aside, and those whom have embraced their more feral side are generally speaking shunned from society and considered outcasts. Not for their appearance, but for their wild, seemingly instinctual and violent behavior, as well as lack of civility or respect for their religion and culture. These are not Oxeohns whom were once evolved and cultivated, but rather their own subspecies that are more related to Tauren than Oxeohns.

↣ Corruption

Corrupt Oxeohns are either Feral subspecies, or Oxeohn's whom had too much of their Life Gem drained (forcefully, or from disease) or tainted. This results in a sort of reset in their mind, as when their Life Gems reach a certain low-point, they automatically begin tapping into other unstable resources surrounding them. Therefore, creating an imbalance in their personal energy, which is what their mind and body thrives on. Corrupt Oxeohns can resort not only to meaningless violence and crime, but also cannibalism and dismemberment of other species and their own. This is only in extreme cases, however. One that has been corrupted cannot return to it's former state, and although there are varying levels of corruption depending on the case, and it is possible for them to continue existing with former peers.. it is usually too dangerous and results in them being exiled. That is, if they even had the guts to return home in the first place.

Massive wars usually result in mass corruption left behind, and some areas that have been wiped out in the past, never regained their foot.




Built originally to hunt and spar, Oxeohn's are known for their broad shoulders and lean bodies which always seem to radiate with strength and purpose. Their horns are thick and sturdy, and used as a means of battle and self defense, and their tails are long and covered in fur. Some have manes, meanwhile others don't. The amount of variety in their appearance varies greatly depending on 1) Climate 2) Family 3) Tribe, and some may appear more feral, when in actuality it is just a common trait passed down generations of their tribe/family. 

Their fur is mostly covered in markings, which also vary on the individual, and don't follow any partical pattern. However, many if not most of them also cover their bodies in tattoos, most of which have significant importance or relevance to their tribes or family ties. Some Oxeohns are more tatted up due to achievements or personal accomplishments, whilst others are almost completely bare.

Female Oxeohns carry their babies for approximately 10 months before giving birth, and their babies are much like human infants in the sense that they rely almost entirely on their mothers for the majority of their childhood. The cubs are taught to hunt and use magic at the average age of 5, but begin growing into their horns around the age of 8 or 9, depending on the type or thickness of their horns. Some grow in large earlier, and then increase drastically in size during puberty.

Yes, males do constantly spar and fight over possible mates, but this usually has zero impact on their choice, as Oxeohn's choose their life-partners based on compatability and mutual attraction. Young Oxeohn's, female and male just generally tend to fight over their crushes, and it's considered both childish and endearing.



Oxeohns dress themselves with multiple factors in mind, such as: their tribe, their family ties, their lifestyle. Patterns of clothing and embroidery are ways to distinguish between tribes, as well as where the originate from and what type of climate they prefer. Long cloaks and thick fabric are preferred in colder areas, whereas mid areas call for more revealing clothes, and hot climates use thinner fabric, but far less revealing than either of the former two.

It is considered a bit indecent, or almost crude to wear clothing that specifically reveals ones Life Gem, but nudity is not looked down upon. Flaunting ones Life Gem whilst covering every other part of the body can be compared to walking around with a bright, large sign that reads "I HAVE ZERO REGARDS FOR MY OWN WELL-BEING OR SAFETY AND BOY WOULD I LOVE TO BE ATTACKED RIGHT NOW".



Oxeohns religion is simply referred to as D'uem, which translates to (feminine) Light/Energy. Their beliefs stem from the idea that the 4 Gods of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air whom were all once wild and untamed, were bonded and enlightened by D'uem, the God of Light. She gave their hopes and dreams life by shedding her powers upon them, and cleansing the ill-meaning from within their bodies as well as allowing them to touch and see. She gave them a home, and a plane to exist on, and allowed them to come together as one to create their home. When Earth was created, D'uem had two daughters, Sol (the Sun) and Lluna (the Moon), whom which she assigned the task of watching over the other 4 Gods, and bestowing her light upon those who inhabited Earth when she no longer could. D'uem gave up her physical form in order for the 4 Gods and her daughters to continue existing. And if it weren't for her, no creatures would exist in the first place. 

Oxeohns believe that their magic and life was given to them as a gift from D'uem, and that all lifeforms exist for the rest of eternity in Sar'akh (Paradise [of]) Duem (Light, word form) alongside D'uem herself.



Their magic is light and energy based, and depending on the intent of the Oxeohn, it's uses can differ.The amount of magic available to each individual depends on the age, capability, and perserverance of each Oxeohn. This means that although an Oxeohn with fire based magic (rather than earth, water, or air) wanted to make a fire, it would be much easier for them to do so thanks to their alignment, but it would not necessarily mean that it is impossible for other alignments perform the same task, it would just be much more difficult for them (and likely use up far more of their Energy Gem). 

Oxeohns radiate energy, and their Energy Gems can both absorb and transmit some of it. Their energy gems can hold infinite amounts of magic, but Oxeohn's can only make use of as much as their bodies can handle. Two Oxeohns can transfer energy between eachother, as well as larger groups as a sort of battle/defense tactic, or simply as a show of affection. 

Oxeohn's cannot transfer energy to other species (at least not any that translates or can be used as magic), but receiving their light is like a sort of blessing, and not only can prolong the other party's lifespan, but also has a healing power. This is often seen between interspecies relationships, as Oxeohns can transfer energy to their partner in order to avoid out-living them. Oxeohns that share energy are likely to be stronger than others, and unlimited access to their energy could keep another party alive for centuries if so needed.

The Life Gem consists of Pure Life Energy, and draining it would kill them. The concentration of magic held in an Oxeohn's Life Gem is so strong, that if shattered/broken/cracked, could cause a shift in the winds. They are almost indestructable, but years and years ago, Oxeohn's used to be hunted for the sake of harvesting their Life Gems and achieving immortality.

Life Gems are a consistent flow of Energy and Magic, and cannot be easily tapped into, especially without given permission. Only in desperate situations, or when there is seemingly no other option can the Life Gem Energy be used or shared.




Fire · Water · Earth · Air

[ Electric · Ice · Steel · Crystal · Obsidian · Magma ]

Dark/Moon · Light/Sun

There are a total of 6 alignments within Oxeohn magic, the alignment assigned to each Oxeohn is based mainly on genes, but there are of course plenty of other factors. There is no rule on alignements, and any Oxeohn can be born with whichever alignment, but for an instance, two fire Oxeohns are more likely to raise either another fire aligned, or a sun light aligned Oxeohn.



Dark light magic is far less common of a base alignment, and allows Oxeohns to manipulate pure moon light, which contains a much stronger concentrate of Light Energy than sun light. Whereas sun light aligned Oxeohns are naturally skilled at control how the light hits things, making them master of disguise and illusions, moon light gives Oxeohns the power to control whether or not the light even hits them at all. They are masters of the shadows, but it takes years for them to even learn a bit of this magic. Not just because it is immensly powerful, but because it is hard to control, and because those who have mastered it are generally speaking not to keen on sharing their knowledge.


This is the most common base alignment, almost all Oxeohns are naturally Light aligned alongside any other alignment they have. It allows them to channel their energy through the sun, as well as manipulate light and color. This gives them an advantage during hunting and battles, and most Oxeohns use their light magic to create illusions and visages.






You can read more about Doggoons here, they are a completely separate species and belong to Falu.

Due to the clashing nature of their species, Oxeohns and Doggoons as a whole do not (generally speaking) get along very well. Whilst Oxeohns are hunted by many for their Gems and near infinite amount of magic, none of their encounters can quite compare to the ancient feud between Doggoons and themselves. 

Whereas Oxeohns are peaceful and nomadic, Doggoons are always seeking greater power, and because of this, they have had their fair share of bloodshed. Doggoons naturally seek the power within their Life Gems, and aren't afraid to hunt Oxeohns down to get their hands on them. It is because of this that neither species really get along that well, but, there are of course a few exceptions....



Some Doggoons and Oxeohns couldn't care less about their violent history together or cultural differences, and nowadays cross-species relationships are far more common than they once were. Despite this, however; an Oxeohn and Doggoon having a child together is still very looked down upon.

Mutts born from Doggoon mothers are hatched from eggs, and those from Oxeohns are born through live birth, but this has no zero impact on the development of the pups. When two Oxeohns breed, they draw from their own Life gems to create one for their child, but mutts not only have 3 Life and Energy gems, but hearths containing pyre as well. Not much is known about mutts outside from what is gathered by bypassers or shared by wary parents, and because these mixed breeds are considered so taboo, not many are interested in learning more about them either. They can usually pass rather easily as slightly mutated Oxeohns, but would never be mistaken for a pureblood Doggoon, and although most tribes would accept their existence with very few questions, they would most likely be thrown out and shunned if found out about.

Parents of these mutts usually live on their own and raise their young far away from the dangers of their own species, but some simply cannot stand being alone, and try their best to hide what they have done and the nature of their child.

Oxeohn children are called cubs, and Doggoon children are referred to as pups, mutts are either simply known as just that, or are referred to as pups as well.







Oxeohns do have their own language that they speak among eachother. It is known as "Odharian", but that being said, they do tend to speak more than just one language since the majority of them travels so often and frequently interacts with other species and creatures. They are fairly reserved about their language, and prefer to keep it within their own communities, and rarely react positively to other species communicating with them in their native tongue. Generally speaking, Oxeohns can be pretty self-entitled and private about their lives and culture, as their language and religion are considered such a vital part of their existence and lives.

Some things to note about their language is that adding an ' mid-word usually makes the word more feminine or in some cases plural, this excludes all names as they follow a separate system.

Below is a list of commonly used phrases, or important words in Odharian, as well as their translations.

  • D'uem - Light (Feminine/plural)
  • Duem - Light (Word form/masculine)
  • Sar'akh - Paradise
  • Riel Ril - Good Luck/Fortune
  • A'dhakaan - Kingdom 
  • Adhaak - Palace / Holy living quarters (Used to refer to holy buildings, or very fancy buildings/houses)
  • Adha - House
  • Khaan - King / Ruler (Pronounced k-aa-n)
  • K'haan - Queen / Female Ruler (Pronounced ɧ-aa-n )
  • Nakh - Name
  • Dhuu - God
  • Dh'uu - Gods (Plural)
  • Tem Dh'uu re D'uem Min - May the Gods be with you (Literally: Let the Gods shine their light upon you)



The naming system within Oxeohn society is far more simple nowadays than it once was, whilst those in favor of tradition will name their young using their native alphabetical system (disregarding feminine/plural markings, since they do noto differentiate between feminine and masculine names), Oxeohns whom are more modern may name their young or even themselves with influence from other cultures or species. There really is no strict system on Oxeohn names, as it all depends on the individual or their family.






Q: So none of the magic is light aligned just the four stated? Like if they are water aligned then they learn water junk, but no one is Light aligned in terms of magic right ?

A: Wrong ! They all know light magic and can perform/use light magic, but some simply have alignments like Earth, Water etc, this just means that they have an easier time learning magic involving those alignments. They still have to learn to work with Light and Energy separately.


Q: So the markings on their body aren't actually natural marking ? Can they have markings on their body, do they have to be tattoos???

A: No, body markings aren't a thing unless there is fur on that part of the body, it works the same way that animals fur works. Their skin does not grow markings, so anything on their skin is added personally.

Q: What do you mean by "Closed Species" ?

A: It means that you cannot create/design your own Oxeohn without my permission. 

Q: Can I make an Oxeohn ?

A: No.... That's what "Closed Species"/[CS] means... :[

Q: Can they be covered in fur ??

A: Sure ! Anything but the face, privates, and chest/pec area can grow fur.

Q: What world/universe are Oxeohn's in ? 

A: Oxeohn's were created with a sort of 'fantasy' setting in mind, but you can put them in any setting you'd like, as long as you keep the basics of their species as well as keep their religion/magic in mind :) 

Q:  Can Oxeohn's have physical or social relations with other species ?

A: Absolutely ! The only thing that would ever be an issue is if the Oxeohn was overly religious or part of some "anti-other-species" cult :P In all seriousness, there is nothing physically "binding" them or forcing them to stick to their own species !

Q:  Is there any specific action or event that would cause them to grow exceptionally angry and/or violent?/ Are there any specific things that cause them to grow aggressive ?

A: Oxeohn's are generally speaking very peaceful and are as a species not too quick to anger. But some thing that would change that is of course if they feel threatened, if someone they care deeply about is threatened or if someone/something touches or reaches for their Life Gem without permission. It is considered not only EXTREMELY disrespectful, but can be seen as a personal and inherintly crude attack.

Q: Can you make me a custom Oxeohn ?

A: Usually, yes ! Read my custom info and commission page, and shoot me a message/email if you're interested/unsure whether or not I am open for either ! Make sure to also read my general TOS/FAQ.