Aibo Seinaru



4 years, 1 month ago


Aibo Seinaru
"Let the sky fall!"
Name Aibo Seinaru
Alias Seraph
Birthday January 2nd
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 162.56 cm (5'4)
Hair White/Green ombre
Eyes Unknown
Blood type B
Quirk Angelical
Occupation Student
Affiliation Seiai Academy
Status Active | Single
Fighting Style Support Combat
Quirk Angelical

This Quirk allows its user to use holy light! This light can be manipulated and used for healing. She can also use her light to form an aureola, which can be thrown around like a weapon. Aibo also has a pair of angel wings that allow her to fly!

Super Moves
Divine Purification By using Divinity Unleashed (see below), Aibo uses her absorbed light for extreme healing. Healing of this degree can heal any injury (except for severed limbs). She will passs out as soon as she's finished.
Divinity Unleashed Aibo summons her aureola, which will absorb sunlight and convert it into holy light for her to immediately use. Using this move makes Aibo very hot and uncomfortable (she describes it as "burning in hellfire").
Bubbly . Limerent . Loyal

Aibo is a bubbly girl that gets attatched very easily. She is currently obsessed with her classmate Shichibi Yowai and does literally whatever he tells her. She praises his ideals even if she doesn't really beleive in them. She dedicates all of her time to him, much to everyones annoyance.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Confident People
  • Being helpful
  • White foods
  • Flying
  • Pitch Black Darkness
  • Demons
  • Getting wet
  • Studying
  • Her favorite food is white rice.
  • Her favorite thing is being helpful.
  • Her given name, Aibo, means "sidekick" while her Surname, Seinaru, means "holy".
  • Exit Eden - Heaven
  • STARSET - Halo
  • Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
  • Skillet - Rebirthing

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Shichibi Yowai | Friend

Aibo looks up to Shichibi and follows him around. She considers him her great friend/mentor, but he sees her more as an annoying sidekick.

Hologram Girl | Rivals

Aibo considers Hologram to be Saiko's sidekick. And since Shichibi and Saiko are rivals, Aibo thinks of Hologram to be her rival. Hologram doesn't really care about Aibo.