


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Nimue Naïlo

Race: Changeling

Class: Druid

Personality: I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow others to be victimized.

Ideal: I try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost

Bond: A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can find redemption through my actions.

Flaw: I talk to spirits that no one else can see. I have certain rituals that I must follow every day. I can never break them.

Story: Found at the base of the Willow that flows life through her Queendom as a mere infant, Nim was adopted and raised by her majesty Queen  Xanaphia Naïlo. The Queen kept her hidden from all but her most trusted advisors. When Nim turned 11 she was finally able to maintain one form and that is when she adopted the name Nimue. She was introduced to the people who rejoiced at her presence, but her identity was still kept hidden. She lived and thrived in her home for 16 happy years. She was mentored by her mother and her surrogate uncle Aelar in the ways of nature. She studied the arts of healing and in the dead of night poured over tomes of poisons. She was given rudimentary self-defense training but little more than enough to help her escape.
When Nim turned 17 she was introduced to a handsome prince of a neighboring Elven Kingdom named Laucian Siannodel. She was infatuated with the prince, falling for him quickly as he charmed her and eventually proposed to her. She happily agreed and everything seemed perfect. She made plans to go to his home in preparation for the wedding that was happening in a fortnight, only to receive the devastating news that her mother had been killed. Suspecting that something was amiss given the timing she slipped quietly out of the castle and made her way home. Upon arrival she changed her face and was met with the horror that her lovely princes father was using enslaved warlocks and druids to sap her Kingdoms prized Willow of its magic.
In the dead of night as the King was resting in her mothers bed she slipped in and and gagged the King and Queen. She carved the word "Savalir" onto his chest before slitting his throat. She proceeded to slit his wifes throat before fleeing back to her dastardly princes kingdom, and plotting. The news soon came that the King and Queen were dead and Laucian was devastated, Nim feigned sympathy and consoled him until that night when she slipped into his room, tied him to his bed and presented him with his fathers crown. Laughing as he struggled in horror as she slowly carved the word "Dhaeroaw" into his chest before slitting his throat. His last words still haunt her, "I know not what I have done to you, but I am sorry." She didn't notice her tears until after his chest stopped rising. She came to her senses soon after, the unquenchable rage suppressed and looked on in horror. She was the monster now, and she would never let her self forget it. So as a reminder she took a small vial of his blood and she wears it as a necklace. To atone for her sins Nim wanders the world seeking to help the sick and the wounded, each day she changes her face, easier to ignore herself that way. She will always remember what she has done, and has made a vow to never hurt someone again until she has proven harmful intent.
Her kingdom fell without it's queen and the tree was left dead. What is left lives as an isolated village led by the Queens right hand man Aelar and is shielded in shadows. Nim cannot bring herself to return, at least not yet.