Natalia Kozlov



4 years, 1 month ago



Suicidal Thoughts/ Attempts

Self Harm

Alcoholism/ Recovering


Child Abuse

Mental Health (PTSD)

Murder (Accidental)

The Shadow Hero

Caring . Gentle . Quiet . Loyal

"Days go on forever, but I have not left your side. We can chase the dark together. If you go then so will I."

Name Natalia Kozlov
Alias Silhouette
Age 30
DoB February 3rd
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Race Russian, Finnish, and Japanese
Role Pro Hero
Origin Plyos, Russia
Alignment Neutral Good
Star Aesthetics
Monochrome Colors
Bright Lights
Public Speaking



Natalia was born on February 3rd to Karina and Dol Kozlov. She is their first born and oldest sibling to Mila and Alexander Kozolv who are 5 and 7 years apart from her. Natalia was the only child who developed their father’s quirk and Dol put her through a severe training right as her quirk appeared. He was quite aggressive towards her during training. Everytime she slightly messed up on something, he would smack her multiple times with a leather belt. And they were not small love taps. Natalia’s mother, Karina, tried to step in a few times to put a stop to this abuse but Dol never listened to her. He made Natalia study about many things on the side. Playing different types of instruments (Violin, Piano, Flute, Ect), Acting, Lock Picking, Sowing, ect. No one truly understood his passion for training his oldest in this harsh way. It was until years later when Natalia was 12 she found out about her father’s true nature the hard way. The night of June 23rd, Natalia was up studying about whatever her dad put in front of her until she heard a noise near her room. A loud thud actually. She decided to investigate it, not thinking too much about it until she walked outside to the backyard and found her dad standing over a fresh dead body. His shadow quirk swirling around him and fresh blood splashed onto his features. He quickly realizes that Natalia is nearby and glares over at her frozen body, meeting her terrified eyes. With a tense silence breaking out between the father and daughter until Dol finally broke it.

“You do realize I have to kill you and the others now.”

Natalia was so in shock that she couldn’t properly react when her own father charged after her with no sympathy in his eyes. Suddenly two men came out of nowhere and restrained Dol to the ground. Come to find out, there have been multiple murders in the area for the past few months and the police had their eyes set on Dol. They’ve been keeping an eye on him for a few weeks and that night was the night they confirmed their theories about him and arrested him. Of course, this devastated the family but Natalia was honestly too traumatized to really react normally.

Middle School | UA High

A month after Dol’s arrest, Natalia and her family decided to move to Japan in order to restart their life. Being as Natalia’s mom, Karina, has family there, they moved into one of the empty family houses they have. Natalia had a difficult time adjusting to her new lifestyle, as well as understanding others. When her dad had her studying various things, he made her learn a few languages on top of everything else and one of them was Japanese. However, she only knew the basics so she couldn’t really start up a conversation with someone if she wanted to. She was extremely quiet in her first day of middle school. Refusing to really look others in the eye and just sat in her seat until it was time to go home. In like any other typical school though, students realise this and starts up rumors about Natalia. Teasing her for being quiet and once they found out where she came from, they really teased her about not understanding what they say. When they heard Natalia first talk, they really got brutal with their teasing due to her Russian accent. They also keep questioning her quirk since she never really showed it off before due to the trauma she has from her dad’s abuse. With the hard working attitude that was pressured into her by her dad, Natalia took it upon herself to learn Japanese and forced herself to tone down her Russian accent and replace it with a Japanese accent just to keep the bullies away. She spent many nights doing this to the point she gets either 2 hours of sleep or none at all. Due to the stress, trauma, and depression, Natalia developed an alcohol addiction at a really young age. She only did this just to numb the pain a bit since she was desperate for some relief.

When she got into UA High by recommendations, Natalia didn’t change much at all. She was in the same classroom as Shouta Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, and Oboro Shirakumo but they didn’t really talk until later on… Sadly the bullying did follow Natalia to UA and on one occasion, a group of three students took things too far and beat Natalia up on campus where no one was around to witness it. They were “tired” of her quiet nature and they insisted that she was acting like “she was better than everyone” because of her cool attitude and that she was one of the students that was recommended to UA. They also really wanted to see her quirk in action but with it being daytime and her quirk only works at night, there was nothing that could be done. However, the trio of Shouta, Hizashi, and Oboro saved her since they heard the bullies harsh words nearby and they successfully ran them off. When the trio expected a “thank you” from the quiet girl, she brushed the dirt off of her and limped away from them without saying a word, as well as having any eye contact with them as if they weren’t there. At first, they were confused and irritated by her reaction but the next day during lunch, Natalia finally spoke to them, asking if she could sit with them and once she did she finally thanked them for what they did. Introductions happened and they all slowly became friends. Natalia wasn’t too into it at first. Only spoke when she was spoken to and such. What they didn’t know is that night before, she developed her self harm problem. Since there was no alcohol in the house at the time, she went through a different route. She cut herself on the wrists and a little bit on her forearms but quickly bandaged it up before she went to sleep.

One school day, the bullies confronted her again after school. It was near nighttime when it happened due to Natalia staying late to do some school duties. They cornered her in a nearby alleyway, now making threats to her and her friends and just really saying nasty things to her. Natalia never got super triggered by these things but this time it was bugging her so much that she lost all control and activated her quirk on them. With it now being nighttime, her quirk was more powerful and dark shadows wrapped around the bullies bodies, lifting up into the air as Natalia grips onto her head and bends forwards, screaming with her eyes completely white. She was close to ripping and squeezing them to death but the trio came to her rescue again. Shouta used his erasure quirk on Natalia, dropping the bullies to the ground. They said their last few threats and ran off as the trio ran up to Natalia who is now on her knees and breathing heavily. When she sees them and asks why there are here, they basically replied that they were waiting for her after she got out of school to see if they wanted to get a bite to eat before they all head home. They also told her what just happened and Natalia was so confused because she had no memory of what happened. They offered to walk her home but she declined and bolted out of there.

The next day, Natalia was called to the principal's office and come to find out, the bullies were there with their furious parents, along with Natalia’s mom who was just really concerned about the whole thing. The parents were threatening to sue Natalia and her family and when they questioned her about her actions, she hesitated at first but she told them the whole truth, that they were threatening her and she had no memory of what she did. Of course the argument heated up but suddenly the trio, once again, saving the day. Hizashi smuggly throws out his phone and plays a video that he recorded of the whole incident, proving that Natalia was right. They all got quiet until Natalia got up from her seat and bowed to the parents and bullies, saying that even though she does not remember anything, that’s no excuse. It happened and she is sorry and she will face any type of punishment without any argument. The parents silently decided that they will drop all charges and let it slide. After things got handled, the principle spoke up and said he wanted to talk to Natalia’s mom alone. Once Natalia, Shouta, Hizashi, and Oboro stepped outside. Hizashi was bragging about how he saved the day once again and such but Natalia was quiet for a moment and started to cry, thanking them through her sobs.

Everything seems to go back to normal for a bit until a few days later, Natalia’s class had a quirk training day that was actually designed for her and how to really control her quirk when she gets super emotional. However, no one knew that and when the time came it backfired and Natalia had another breakdown and this time passed out for a few hours.

Natalia was ordered to stay home for at least a week or two in order to heal and train her quirk with the help of some teachers who would visit her home every other day. The school also sent their school counselor to help her work out her trauma that was caused by her dad. The trio visited her a lot, usually after school and then hung out at least one full day on the weekends.

When it was finally the day of her return back to school, she was totally a different person. She was more vocal, more interactive, and more present. However, she didn’t crack a smile..yet. One that very same day when school was over and they were all heading home. Natalia ran up behind the trio with a surgical mask on which immediately made them question it. She stated that she had a surprise for them. When she got their full attention, she removed the mask and showed them her true first smile to them. Natalia tells them that it’s a real smile and not a fake one and then proceeds to thank them for everything that they have done for her and then some. Of course there was tears from Hizashi who just hugged her tightly and screamed loudly about how he’s glad that she’s okay and better now and then Oboro smiling with tears in his eyes next to a Shouta who has a small smile of his own.

The Incident

When Natalia was into her first few years of being a pro hero, a huge accident occurred while she was on her night duty. A villain with an insane powerful quirk was terrorizing citizens and Natalia was the first to respond. With it being nighttime, there weren't a lot of pro heroes out on duty so Natalia was alone until the police got there. The fight was tough for her and the villain had no problem overpowering her. She made sure there weren’t any citizens nearby so innocent lives wouldn't be taken or get hurt. Eventually when things seemed to look like Natalia wouldn’t come out alive. Natalia desperately sends her shadows down the villain who was about to blow her up from above. She blindly wrapped her shadows around the villain and stopped him in midair. What she didn’t realize was that she accidentally snapped his neck when she stopped him and the blood came out of his mouth and onto her face, shocking her at what she just did.

Major backlash came from this when the news relieved what happened and a lot of people were pissed about her actions. A lot also supported her as well. It was really mixed but Natalia focused on the negative comments and she basically shut herself off from everyone. She went into a depressed state for weeks, avoiding to hang out with anyone and just keeping out of the media’s eyes. Isolation got to her and she finally broke down. She was tired of dealing with her recent troubles and her childhood trauma that she couldn’t take it anymore. After consuming a lot of alcohol, she tried to numb the pain by self harm again but when that failed, she attempted to stab herself in the throat. Thankfully, Shouta actually went to go check on her at that moment. He had one of her apartment keys that she gave out to him, Hizashi and Nemuri so it was easy to get in. Once he saw the state that she was in, he quickly acted and stopped her from killing herself. The shock settled in her and eventually just broke down and fell into his arms as she cried out her feelings.

Over the next few months, Shouta basically takes care of her with some help from Hizashi and Nemuri. Helping her deal with her troubles and work her back into shape. She felt guilty a lot because they really do a lot for her and she didn’t want to be totally dependent on others but they allowed it. They also helped her try to recover from her alcoholism which was a hard task to do.

She had her few episodes where she tried to commit suicide at least two more times but on that last one, she almost succeeded by jumping off the roof. She actually saved herself this time by using her quirk and helped herself go back onto the roof. She finally made the decision to basically “wake the fuck up” and decides to help herself. She didn’t want to cause anymore grief for her friends and she needs to repay them for everything that they have done. She needed to live for her friends and family and keep her promise she made to her former love interest and friend, Oboro.

However, during these few months. Shouta and Natalia really grew close to each other and even though they didn’t have any romantic feelings for eachother back in highschool, they started to develop some of each other during this. Eventually when things finally calmed down and Natalia was better, they finally confessed their feelings for each other on December 21st. On Christmas day, just a few days later, Shouta gifted her now signature moon earrings and necklace that she still wears on her off days. That was also when their relationship was founded by a surprised Hizashi and Nemuri. It wasn’t long after till they both moved in together.

Current State

Now in current time, Natalia is a beloved pro hero who still works at night due to her quirk. Her relationship with Shouta is pretty private to the public and their friends but they don’t hide it completely. They just prefer to keep it quiet.

Natalia helps her boyfriend out at UA as Class 1-A’s personal bodyguard after the USJ incident. She’s not really good with kids, as well as being a teacher but she tries her best to get along with everyone. She grew quite close to Fumikage Tokoyami and Shouto Todoroki.

Natalia keeps in contact with her family, who is now back in Russia, and they visit her on occasions. Her mom loves to bug her about marrying Shouta and “when is she gonna get grandchildren???”.

((Will update more as the anime seasons/mangas comes out more.))




Natalia cannot read Japanese well. Knowing only the basics of it, she has a hard time reading things off of menus, reports, media, ect.

Natalia is always soft spoken, due to her traumatic childhood. Dealing with her father’s aggressive demands and screams during her heavy training, she stayed away from his hostile characteristics. She never raises her voice unless in battle

During her recovery after “the incident”, Natalia began to go to a psychiatrist for not only what happened around then, but also for her to deal with her trauma from her childhood. Though she was against it at first, her friends encouraged her to go and eventually she gave in. Years after, she still goes to the psychiatrist weekly.

Natalia is a minimalist. She hates clutter so she keeps her entire area (room, house, apartment, ect) neat and clean to her liking. When she’s living with Shouta Aizawa, he doesn’t mind it..unless she messes with his work station.

Natalia has some sort of fear with children. This is due to her trauma from her middle school and UA days when she had to deal with a bunch of bullies. She finds them not very trustworthy and tries to avoid them as much as possible. However, she gets a soft spot for Class 1-A and Eri.



Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)


Back in their UA days, Natalia was pretty close to all of her friends equally. It wasn't until after her 'Incident' that her and Shouta grew close as he tries to help her get back onto her feet and better herself. During that time, both of them fell in love with each other and eventually confessed on December 21st. They have been together for 8 years at this point. Though it was hard at first with these new feelings and relationship. Natalia feels so safe with Shouta. He is her rock and she would do anything for him. Even get in the line of fire if she had to.


Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)


There is a joke that Natalia is Hizashi's second mother. Due to his wild personality, she always has to keep him in check. But regardless, both of them love each other dearly. Hizashi would do anything for his friend and Natalia is the same way.


Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)


The only two girls in their small friend group. Nemuri adores Natalia. Both of them get along quite well, even tho Nemuri's wild side does make Natalia uncomfortable at times. Nemuri is also Natalia's personal hairdresser. While growing up, she begged Natalia to let her cut her long hair but she always politley declinded. After Natalia's incident and during her recovery process, she granted Nemuri's wish. She is the only one allowed to get even close to the Shadow hero's hair.


Oboro Shirakumo


When Oboro was alive, him and Natalia were really close. Natalia thought Oboro was gonna be one of the greatest pro heros that would come out of UA. She put a lot of hope into him but when he tragically died, that hope was gone. She misses him a lot and she visits his grave at least one time a week, even up to her adult years. Even if she realized it a lot later after his death, she was indeed in love with the Cloud hero.


Sara Yagi




Fumikage Tokoyami


Fumikage actually looks up to Natalia. With both of them having a shadow quirk, he most likely has her in his top 3 favorite pro heros. When Natalia finds out about his quirk (and his admiration for her), she helps him out with his quirk as much as she can. Though she's not a great teacher, it's nice to help a young hero in training that has a similar quirk as her.


Shouto Todoroki


Natalia finds out about Shouto's childhood by mistake during the Sports Festival but she actually grows quite close to the soon-to-be pro hero due to the similar rough childhood's they both had to deal with. Natalia tries her best to give him good advice about things, mainly family. She really enjoys their small chats.





Natural eneimes at first until Dabi revealed in past in the Paranormal Liberation War Arc. Despite being a pro hero, Natalia can't hide the fact that she understands and feels similar to the villain. With their similar childhoods and the emotional outcome, Natalia has sympathy for Dabi.




Natalia has a hard time with kids. She has a hard time with little kids. So her and Eri have had some rough beginnings. Eri was oblivious with Natalia's feelings but was also shy around her like how she was with everyone else. It took a while but Natalia did eventually gather up all of her strangth and bravery and tried to bond with the adorable little girl. Eri's favorite thing to do with Nat is making paper stars with her for everyone she knows.


Class 1A


Just like Shouta, they get on Natalia's nerves. But she handles it without violence unlike Shouta. Though she's not the best with kids and being a good teacher, she tries her best and she truly loves them.