
Arabian wolf

Long graceful neck

Slender legs

Muscular physique

Short tail

Long fur on neck and tail and cheeks, everywhere else has short fur

Large ears

Thin muzzle

Small size

To me this character seems very graceful and knowledgeable. They like to travel while the sun is about to set best because then the earth is cooling down and they can see the stars, which they love to look at and also use for navigation. Because of how much they travel they have gotten very strong and can perform physical activities with ease. Despite this they do not make a habit of using this to intimidate or hurt others. Instead they will use it to help with manual tasks like gathering firewood, building structures, or moving objects. During their travels in the wilderness they will collect bones and stones and soils. They will transform the soils into pottery and will polish or carve into the stones in their free time. Loose soil will be kept in bottles.

This character travels often and alone. Their sleep schedule also limits their interaction with others. Because of this they have grown accustomed to isolation and will often slip into meditative thinking while they walk. Despite this lifestyle of solitude, this character works well with others and is generally humble, willing to make compromises and will patiently guide others who are confused. When this character approaches a city or town they will take a couple days outside of it to try and reset their sleep schedule. That way they will be able to interact with the others during their stay and not miss their chance to meet new people because they are sleeping. During their stay they will trade the bones and pottery and stones that they made to others for various trinkets and literature. In particular they like scholarly works about the stars. When they aren't trading and selling they will seek out elderly residents to regale them with folklore and tales of their youth, which they sometimes will write down as they hear it and keep in their sack for later reading. Other times they will engage with the resident youth, usually playing frivolous games but sometimes babysitting or helping with chores.

This character learns best through labelled diagrams accompanied by text, which will be seen in the books it favours. If a book doesn't have these, then they may write notes in it or attach images that they made themselves based on the writing. Trinkets they collect through trading are often small and generally useless like beads and feathers and game pieces.

Some things they dislike:

Those who pick on others

Those who refuse to help

Those who waste food or are picky eaters

Those who are arrogant and foolishly refuse the help of others

Those who are impatient

Some things they like:




Learning new things