


4 years, 4 months ago


Wannabe detective, but is too naive and inexperienced as a law enforcement officer to be placed into the position of investigator, but still strives to be one. 

factz 😼: 

🔍Was very invested in criminology at a young age, and began watching/read more mature-themed true crime documents/shows as an adolescent way to grasp onto the concept (and for his own entertainment purposes). This is where he grew to contract his vigorous observation skills which he hopes he’ll be able to operate on crucial cases when he’s detective.

🔍 Had official knew he was destined to employ in law enforcement after the murder of his best friend who’s killer was never found and the officers working the case had barely placed effort into solving her death. Ferrara still works to find the killer of his beloved friend, and vows to solve the case and bring forth the justice his friend was unrightfully never given.  
🔍Very passionate towards children, and hopes in future he’ll be able to adapt into an affectionate, healthy relationship and raise his own offspring when he’s older.
🔍Is an astonishingly effective employer who’s dedicated towards his occupation, but often is underestimated due to his youth on the force.                                        
🔍Works under the guidance of a senior detective (who is yet to be named), and admires him greatly.  
🔍Successfully graduated from college with a degree in Criminal Justice.
🔍Younger sibling to Elliot (not my character), enjoys his brother’s company, and when he was younger, attempted on multiple occasions to mimic/appear just like his big bro, but came to quick realization that he needed to find his dinkum self and not mirror others for his own selfish desideratum.