
4 years, 1 month ago



Name Senka
Gender Molly
Age 33 moons (3 yrs)
Rank Running With The Wind
Clan Honorary RidgeClan


Senka was a loner by nature and had a tendency to avoid other cats, often unconsciously. She didn't speak much and many that first come across her take her to be a mute, which was fine by her if it kept them from asking questions. She slinked around, constantly watching other cats and sticking to the shadows. Once you actually got to know her though she was a kind and generous cat, often feeding others before herself. It was this part of her nature that led to her death when she put the needs of a clan above her own.

Senka was raised by her mother while a young kit but was eventually stolen away by twolegs. She lived with them for a time but could never stomach the kittypet lifestyle so she fled the nest and has pretty much been running ever since. She has spoken to clan cats in the past, cats from many different clans and strange groups that she passed, but she was always uncertain about joining their stationary lifestyle. It was in her early running that she first came across the strange network of traveling loners and 'joined' them as it were. Learning their unique customs and laws took several years but she had finally found where she belonged.


Senka was a tawny-pelted bengal she-cat with bright green eyes and darker rings around her tail. She had a white chin and board stripe down her back that was darker than most of her fur. The rest of her pelt, minus her tail and chest, was spotted in a slightly darker shade. Her chest was much lighter than the rest of her body and she had a scar above her left eye, barely missing the eye itself. Her right ear was slightly tattered and she had another scar across her left shoulder that sometimes paralyzed that leg. After her passing her spirit joined the traveler's version of StarClan and her appearance took on a more silvery sheen should she be seen.

Design Notes

  • Shoulder and eye scars not optional, other non-specific scars are.
  • Tattered right ear, mostly around the tip.
  • Occasionally carries a basket of blueberries and may have blue streaks in her fur from picking and nesting near the berries.
  • Spirit appearance optional, usually has swirls of wind around her form.

  • Forest from her colors and preference for wooded areas.
  • Pool from her strong spiritual depths and gentle nature.
  • Stray Mate
  • Trix Kit
  • Drake Kit
  • Nala Kit
  • Tiger Kit
  • Clan Name - Forestpool
  • Destiny Mark - Shadow of a Lavender Leaf
  • She died in her journeys at 27 moons, leaving her kits to fend for themselves in the network.
code by jiko