Vesper the Jester



4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info





Personality [Toon]

Very shy and gentle natured, they don't really act clown or jester like in anyway and are much better as being a company sort or person than an entertainer. He often has a stutter which is more noticable when he is stressed, scared or sad.

Personality [Monster]

Is a complete 180 from his regular self, very cunning, intelligent and psycotic. Although not out right agressive towards anyone else but Lester, he has no issues harming anyone who happens to be in the way.


Vesper is one of two jesters in the complex, the other being Lester, he is a shy type and his most notable characteristics is his stuttering, he was always good at comforting people and their emotions despite not being good at keeping his own. The two jesters are considered the most dangerous entities in the complex but that wasn't always the case. Lester was the only jester with a secondary form, he would often be seen bullying Vesper by pulling on his head or cape, it got so bad that Lester ended up gauging one of Vesper's eyes out causing him to freak out which made him transform into a secondary monster. There would be many wars between the two since as two powerful entities clash, it's often case that locations may be torn apart in the process. They nickname these occurances as the Jester's DanceĀ whenever the two fight, there are usually no winners as their abilities cancel each other out, Lester is more of brutal strength and thick skinned whereas Vesper is fast and agile.

- Is missing their right eye, it is symbolized as a cross.

- Monster form has an eye but isn't often shown.

- The long tendrils on the secondary form's head can move and are sharp, however they aren't used in fighting but mostly reflect attacks.

- Arms can shapeshift/morph into sharp objects like a spike or blade.

- Their monster form is so fast that it leaves after images which makes it appear as if it can make clones.