


4 years, 1 month ago



Name : Leafbreeze
PREFIX –Leaf she is usually very quiet, smart, and caring
SUFFIX –Breeze she is very swift during hunts
Pastnames : Leafkit, Leafpaw
Age : 17 Moons
Birthseason : New Leaf
Gender : Female (she/her)
Rank : Warrior
Residence : ShadowClan
Mentor : N/A
Apprentice : N/A

Summary : A long haired calico ragdoll with dark stripe like markings and green eyes
Breed : Ragdoll
Eye Colour : Forest Green
Height : 5"
Body Type : Well Built, Fluffy
Tail : Long, Fluffy
Scars : None

Helpful . Shy . Insecure

Leafbreeze is a very shy and reserved cat. She will rarely talk to anyone and it usually takes a lot for her to finally open up and feel comfortable to be herself around another cat. However, she is significantly more comfortable around the elders much more quickly as she feels they will not judge her as harshly as her other clanmates.

Despite her insecurities and klutzy nature she loves being able to help others when she can. More often than not she is helping the queens and the elders whenever it is asked of her and she will do her best to help her other clanmates should they need her assistance for anything.

  • Quiet Nights
  • Stargazing
  • Learning New Things
  • Loud Noises
  • Hot Weather
  • Training in Groups
Fears : Disappointing her clan
Habits : Tends to aggressively clean her pelt whenever she's anxious and will grind her teeth occasionally
  • Has an older sister that she never really bonded with much due to their age gap but she does not hold any resentment for her.
  • During her apprenticeship she grew close with another apprentice, Darkpaw (now Darkwing), who she ended up training with on a regular basis. The two even gained their warrior name together.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Unknown
Mother : Squirrelpounce, ShadowClan Warrior, Deceased
Mate : Clovepelt, ShadowClan Warrior, Not officially mates but they crushin on each other.
Kits : None

At a young age Leafbreeze became very close with Darkwing who is one of the few cats in the clan that know much of anything about her. The two are so close that they were even given their Warrior names together. Leafbreeze lost her mother at birth so the queens at the time worked together to help raise her which is why she is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.

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Curabitur maximus sit amet neque pellentesque consequat. Curabitur dapibus dui ac fermentum fringilla. Aenean varius ornare urna, non luctus augue tristique a. Donec tortor ex, fringilla sit amet dignissim et, lobortis sed sem. Integer rhoncus lectus erat, in rhoncus ligula rhoncus sed. Nunc pellentesque massa nec orci vehicula malesuada.

code by jiko