
4 years, 29 days ago


Jacob used to be a shy, timid, and scared young man. On a dare he went to spend the night in his hometown's ancient mansion, only to be attacked by a vampire and turned. After turning he became the opposite of how he used to be, fearless, arrogant, and somewhat selfish. After getting back at the folks who made him take the bet and go to the mansion, he then went after the vampire that turned him. He managed to defeat the vampire, and claim the town as his territory, but it also left him gravely wounded, being laid to sleep for several hundred years. When he awoke he found the town had come to regard him as a hero, his story even being used to attract tourists to the mansion where he was turned and the church that held his tomb. It had also been a long observed practice for someone to pour blood into an opening in his tomb to feed him in his sleep, so he would not wake hungry.