"Don Prospero"



4 years, 1 month ago


/don/ /ˈprɔspero/

Human | He/Him | 25




Prospero stands at 5'7", with dark brown hair, tan skin, and warm brown eyes. Though naturally slim, he's fairly toned and knows how to utilize his frame in a fight.

Prospero is most often made recognizable by his flashy outfits, emblazoned with bold colors and shiny embellishments. Rarely will he wear such apparel in the midst of a heist, but plenty of stories of his personal excursions detail his ornate wardrobe.


Delightfully charismatic, and painfully sympathetic, Don Prospero seems to be more character than person. A few have even begun to wonder whether the man is one or multiple, but, regardless, one thing is certain; he's swiftly gaining both infamy and fame.

Though the exact beginning of his criminal career is uncertain, Prospero has risen as the young leader of a small and equally youthful outlaw gang- aptly referred to as "Don Prospero's Gang." They most commonly rob wealthy travelers in stagecoaches and luxury trains, avoiding carnage but always certain to make examples of their targets. Plenty of photographs display Prospero, hastily donned costume and all, and gang members posing beside ransacked and bound targets before being abandoned. There's several theories as to what exactly happens to all the stolen wealth and items, but Don Prospero himself has insisted it's simply been transferred to more worthy hands.

Prospero's exact home is unknown, and his entire gang seems to lack permanent establishments. However, his moniker is proudly derived from his hometown of Prosperidad, and his favored activities outside of his gang would make prolonged stays there likely.


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