


4 years, 27 days ago


     NOTE: Steven Universe is a television show created by Rebecca Sugar on Cartoon Network. Rebecca Sugar & the Steven Crewniverse invented the lore of the show. This lore includes, but is not limited to, the fictional gem species & a rebellion that broke out amongst these gems thousands of years ago. I do not own any of these ideas, but I do own my fan gem character Kyanite.

     Kyanite had emerged to serve Homeworld only about a century after the end of the Gem War. Homeworld was still in a wacky state then, but she just went along with the program without questioning much of anything. She served under Blue Diamond as a message-carrier, going from gem to gem for thousands of years. Instead of becoming tired out or becoming an emotionless tool like other messengers, this role helped Kyanite learn how to be a good communicator, listen to people, & feel for them. 

     Eventually, Kyanite’s years of service to Homeworld started to hit her with conflicting emotions. Many gems adored being a part of Homeworld & loved performing their jobs. However, many had also been hurt or trapped within jobs that they didn’t want to do. Kyanite became quite bamboozled about her feelings towards Homeworld, but ended up feeling that the best thing that she could do herself was to keep being a messenger. Even if other gems had horrible jobs, at least she could help gems be seen & cared about through her job. 

     So that’s what she did. She kept being a messenger. She kept helping gems through her job. That is, until Steven Universe came along. The matriarchy of Homeworld was dismantled, & all gems were free to do whatever was best for them. This newfound freedom was obviously quite shocking for Kyanite at first, but she was quickly open to this huge change. 

     Kyanite decided to travel to Earth. She had never heard a whole lot about the enigmatic planet. However, what she had heard was that, nowadays, it was a place bursting with life, love, & freedom, where anyone could simply be themselves. This idea was quite appealing to Kyanite. Communication had always been such a vital part of her life, so she was ecstatic to go to a world where she could meet & get to know all sorts of unique individuals living there.  

     Here’s a fun fact! Kyanite’s voice sounds much like Kimberly Brooks’s speaking voice; the differences are that Kyanite‘s is a tad more soft & low-pitched. 

Gender: Agender/Genderless/Sexless (Just like all gems are, except Steven Universe himself) 


  • “She/Her/Hers/Herself”  

Species: Gem 

Gemstone: Kyanite 

Gemstone Placement: Navel 

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Asexual, Gynoromantic 

Emergence: 2380 B.C./B.C.E. (Emerged about a century after the Rebellion) 

Age: About 4,400 years old (Keep in mind that gems age differently than humans) 

Personality & Similar: Calm, Cool, Collected, Supportive, Good-natured, Restful, Guiding, Humourous, Charismatic 

Partner: Sunny 

Representative Music: “Radio Ga Ga” by Queen


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Guitar-playing (both acoustic & electric), Rock climbing, Attending rock concerts, Kayaking 

  • Season: Winter 

  • Colour: Egyptian Blue, Melon Orange  

*Last Updated: Saturday, January 2nd, 2020