Chopper of the Shirudo Harbor



4 years, 23 days ago


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Chopper Of The Shīrudo Harbor

Female • She/Her • 31

"Listen to me young lady, I am speaking directly into your mind."

  • CREATOR Rosyshark
  • VERSE Champions of the Sky
  • CREATED 2019
  • NAMES Manami, Chopper, Choppie, Chops
  • RACE Carchari
  • CLASS Oath of Valiance Paladin/Great Old one Warlock
  • ALIGNMENT Neutral Good
  • BACKGROUND Folk Hero
  • FROM The Shīrudo Harbor
  • HEIGHT 6'8
  • BIRTHDAY Febuary 4th
  • SEXUALITY Demisexual/Biromantic
  • Fishing
  • Rabbits
  • Her family
  • Carpentry
  • Her friends
  • Being lost
  • Beling alone
  • Being too far into the ocean
  • Being scary
  • Having her face touched


Chopper is a kindhearted paladin with a powerful desire to help and protect others. She tends to put their wellbeings above her own, though she's trying to get better about that... Emphasis on trying.

She's a paladin, though not really the traditional holy warrior one would expect. Her powers draw from herself and her desire to keep everyone safe. And to be honest... She has no idea how they work! Most of her powers have been learned by trial and error. As well as her general combat training, or lackthereof! She's also a warlock for the Mother of the Deep. Those powers she actually has a bit of a better grasp on, as they feel more natural to her due to the nature of her pact.


Chopper looks scary, but once you talk to her, you find she’s quite the opposite. Chopper is cheerful, kind hearted and all around a sweetheart. Her trust and friendship is easily gained, and hard to lose for better or for worse.

While being generally slow to anger, she is fiercely protective of her friends and family, with the few times she has genuinely lost her temper being when they were threatened. She also has a bit of a maternal streak, constantly doting on and being protective of children specifically.

Despite her upbeat attitude, she does suffer from a rather low self image, often thinking she's ugly, and being afraid people assume she's a creature instead of a person. She also has a "no kill" rule in battle, that stems from both a place of mercy and compassion, but also from unresolved trauma from being forced to take a life at such a young age.


Chopper was born somewhere on a ship in the sea, but somehow found herself in the water alone where she was found by the Mother of the Deep, benevolent ancient being who usually keeps to the deepest parts of the ocean. The mother took her under her wing and eventually led her to shore at the The Shīrudo Harbor, and specifically to the Temple of the deep. A temple made in her honor that helped care for the town. Chopper ended up living there until she was 19, becoming a beloved member of the community due to her helpful nature.

Things changed though when the Daimyo's son and representative came to town. He was a cruel, spoiled, violent man, who heavily taxed the locals, and generally harrased them. Chopper had several times where she stepped in and confronted him, usually scaring him off by just being intimidating, but one time he and his gaurds cornered her at the docks and attacked her. Heavily beaten and scarred, Chopper's fight or flight instinct kicked in and she bit down onto her attackers neck as he got too close to gloat and dragged him into the water with her. She came to her senses and released him before fleeing back to the temple, and passing out.

When she awoke, she found that the priests had brought her inside and patched her wounds. They told her that the Daimyo's son had died of his wounds and that likely the guards would be after her soon. So she was sent on her way much to the sorrow of her home, who viewed her deed as one of heroism, even though to her it just an event that would scar her both psysically and emotionally for life

For years she traveled from place to place. As she traveled she started to help anyone who asked for it, and found a strong desire to protect others, which was the start to her paladin powers manifesting. But eventually after about 7 years she grew tired of traveling. Luckily for her, a floating island happened to be passing a town she was in, so up she went, and the rest is history.


  • Her eyes are lavender with light almost white pupils that glow softly.
  • She has a tattoo of a Jackalop with a lavender plant on her left arm.
  • Her face scars are an X with two more straight ones above it on her nose. Her right cheek has five claw mark scars running across and over her mouth, her left cheek side has one scar on her upper lip. .
  • She has sort of a wightlifters build, no breasts (fish), and is fat with lots of muscle.
  • In combat, Chopper is really sort of a jack of all trades. She can provide heals, take some damage, do some heavy hits, and majorly buff up her friends. It all really depends. She's mainly a close range fighterm though recently she's come into some long range spells
  • LANGUAGES -Aquan, Common
  • Skills -Animal handling, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuassion, Survival
  • Weapons -Simple
  • Armour - Heavy, Medium
  • Tools -Woodcarvers tools,
  • Fishermans Friend Trident (Pact weapon)
  • Crown of the Fasle Idol
  • Ooze in a jar (sometimes)
  • Chopper is funny about religion in that she knows very little about it despite being a paladin. She knows the mother of the deep! And even though some view her as a god, Chops just sees her as her mom! Chopper just feels very casual towards the gods. Those are just some really powerful guys!
  • Chopper is 100% a woman. She's never had any doubts or really ever questioned it. In fact, years of being mistaken as anything else has made her double down on her identity even more. She still perfers more masculine clothing as more fem looks just feel kinda silly to her. She supposes she would be considered a "Tomcat" But she doesn't really know what that is.
  • . Chopper's style is usually very simple. When she's not in her armor, she's wearing a fine purple robe she got in Otheos. Besides that though, she really has no style. She just wears what she can get her hands one usually, and if someone wants to style her up more, she lets them.
  • COLOURS Lavender, Black
  • ANIMAL Great White Sharks, Dogs
  • PLANT Lavender
  • MINERAL Amethyst
  • SIN Envy
  • VIRTUE Kindess
  • GENRE Indie
  • STYLE Edo Period Japan
  • She's a homebrew sharkfolk race and she's specfically based on great white sharks.
  • She is extreamly afraid of the ocean despite being able to breath underwater. This is specifically because she's afraid of being lost in the ocean.
  • She has an Ooze in a Jar that she shares custody with four others. It's name is Custard.
  • She hatess reading, but it's because her eye positon makes reading a small book very uncomfy.
  • She was my first character for Champions of the sky :)

Best friend and Roommate she totally does not have a crush on

Bitxi is Chopper's roommate and all time best friend! She met them not long after they showed up to the guild and instantly took a shine to them. Chopper trusts them totally and would do just about anything to help them. She worries about them not being nice enough to themself and putting themself in the way of danger even though she does the same thing constantly. She also has budding feeling for them that she currently is trying to stamp out and avoid.


Roommate and soon to be next best friend

Kai is Chopper's other roommate. At first they didn't get along, or really, Kai wasn't too interested in Chopper's attempts to befriend them, and Chopper was determined to become their pal. But that all changed when Chopper brought home her Jackalope,Rhubarb. Funny enough Kai's fondness for the rabbit seemed to be a bit of an ice breaker for the two. And recently Kai has been seeming to be more friendly with Chopper, which in turn, Chopper is super stoked about.


Big brother

Eizo was one of Chopper's primary caretakers at the temple, and her adopted big brother. He brings out Chopper's mischivious streak full force, with the two constantly getting into prank wars when they were young. He didn't really think The Mother of the Deep was real until Chopper came home again with undeniable proof that she was in fact real and also giving Chopper magic.

Mother of The Deep

Patron and adopted mother

The mother of the deep is exactly that to Chopper. A mother. She's the primary reason Chopper is as kind as she is today, and encourages Chopper to keep helping people, though she does wish Chopper would help herself a bit more too. She loves Chopper like a daughter and is very very proud of her, and Chopper is very proud to have The Mother as her patron and mom.p>

Rhubarb and Cabbage

The best familiar and horrible horse

Rhubard started her life as a jackalope to be used as a target on in the Otheos royal hunting grounds, but she was gifted to Chopper after she asked a prince if she could have one. Since then she has lived a life of luxury growing up under Chopper's care. Recently though, she was upgraded to the status of familiar thanks to a boon from Chopper's patron. Now she's a sort of aberration and a little smarter, but all around the same lovable jackalope Chopper adopted all that time ago! Meanwhile Cabbage is Chopper's summoned steed. He's an ocean themed fiendish spirit that Chopper somehow managed to befriend. He's like a horse in all the worse ways. While he'll be an angel for Chopper, anyone else who comes near him is likely to get their fingers bitten.