Blake Coral



4 years, 1 month ago


Underestimating people will probably be the last mistake you'll make.
Blake Coral
July 20
$15 (Masterlist)

Blake is someone that doesn't deal with bullshit. He's a serious person. He dislikes having to dance around things and he is straight to the point. He has a pretty childish sense of humor but he's good at keeping a straight face. He's confident of his own skills and abilities, so most insults wouldn't affect him too much.

He was raised by a single father. He worked hard to raise both him and his sister, Monomi. He was a police officer then a detective later in life. He would soon pass away while pursing a case. Growing up, he admired his father greatly. He tried becoming a cop of some sort, but that path just wasn't for him. Not only that, his sister worried that he might end up just like his father, dying without saying goodbye.

Nowadays, he works as an ethical hacker, inspired by his father. He gets hired to figure out the weaknesses of a system and fix it. This is the perfect job for him since he usually stays indoors anyway, especially during the day. Plus, he feels as if he can still help and protect people, even if not physically. He lives on his own. He moved out of his father's home after getting college over with.

Well, he doesn't go out of his home at day time for a pretty good reason. He's a vampire. He hates it, really. He used to enjoy going out a lot more often before he was turned into one, so this sort of sucks for him. Oh, and having to feed off blood. Where are you supposed to get blood just for consuming? He sure doesn't know. He just sticks with animals' blood more than anything. Not only does it not taste good but it's not as good as a humanoid's blood. He sort of just treats it like a daily dose of bitter vitamins he has to deal with.

He was turned by an ex of his, who he broke up with after he was turned. He felt lied to and decieved, so he was quick to boot them out of his life and deal with it on his own.

  • He loves sweets a lot! He especially loves strawberry lollipops.
  • He takes night walks as it's the only time he can really go out. He also visits stores and places he ever finds open during late hours of the night. He sort of misses the sunlight sometimes.
  • Being under sunlight for any longer than an hour would result in sunburn, a horrible fever and it would weaken him severely.
  • He's not too healthy as a vampire but he's still decently physically strong, especially for someone that stays in all day.




Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.




Monomi is his older sister, though he seems older than she is. He cares for her very deeply. He lets her live along with him at his little home. As much as they care for each other, they do still contrast and contradict one another when it comes to their beliefs in life. At least she would still be there for him when he needed her and she didn't turn her back on him when he was turned into a vampire.

Family Friend



Blake knows Mishima through his father, who Mishima worked with while he was alive. He's more of a familiar face to Blake so he's a little bit more comfortable around him more than he is with Valentina. He's sort of like an uncle to him.




Blake knows her through Mishima. She does scare him quite a bit, considering her constant handling of weapons. She doesn't seem to get why he's so intimidated of her.