Senecei the Shadow Purifier



4 years, 1 month ago



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sen - eh - kay

- the cave goddess and purifier of shadows -

she lurks in the depths of all caves imaginable. when the hair on the back of your neck stands up as you dwell deeper into the caverns of amae it is said that she is standing behind you-- although it is far more believable that she is always with you from the moment you step foot into her home

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consider it a blessing if she ever allows you to see her in her goddess form. some have claimed to see her walk the streets but most people get discredited quickly by skeptics. shamans and high priestesses often bring offerings to purity lake in a small, undisclosed cave located near a village of serecei worshipers.

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she appreciates the village and allows her visitors to see her as they please. she has been known to heal ailments including terminal diseases and other undiagnosable problems for those who she deems truly good at heart. while she may be the purifier of shadows, she is known to be quite cold to those who she knows are capable of evil deeds or have cruel intentions. her original home was overrun by a greedy mining company and she deeply regrets letting her cave be stripped of minerals. her home was rid of its glory. and she will not let that happen again.