Aren Strayus



4 years, 1 month ago


His bio is definitely not the best by far and  will most likely  never be finished so it will just be a place for me to  somewhat keep  track of him haha

| Personal Information


Basics ;

NameAren Strayus (Are-en Stray-us)
The Stray

Gender: Male

Age: 22 (August 2nd, 18XX)

Nationality: German


Height189cm (5'11")


Body TypeNot too muscular, Medium frame

Notable Markings:   Scars on left side of his back and down his arm, Eyes are a very light  reflective silver-gray that almost seem to glow, Messy hair

Personality ;

Aren is a rather quiet person who tends to be more reserved and cautious when showing his emotions to others which can make him seem a little cold at first. He's very formal when talking ans tends to keep to himself most of the time usually fading into the  background but when he gets comfortable with someone he shows a more soft spoken, modest and shy side to him. He's also a really serious person. Aren is well educated and is always interested in learning new things so he's often seen reading a book or sometimes even helping out his younger brother in the science division. During battle he's quick and calculating always weighing his options and how best to attack. [Wip]

Interests: Knowledge, Astronomy, History, Literature, Researching, Mythology, 

Likes: Reading, Reading to Vera, (loves)Chocolate, Quiet places, Food, Autumn, quiet nights 

DislikesHeadaches, Crowds, loud people, alcohol, People touching his fluffy hair, annoying people,


| P e r s o n a l i t y B a r

[5 = max; 3 = average; 1 = min]

Affinity: 3
Battle: 4
Mental: 4
Flexibility: 2
Extra: [wip]

| Work Information

Profile ;

Affiliation: Black Order
Base of Operations: European Branch (HQ)
Occupation: Exorcist
Mentor: Klaud Nine
Golem: None - uses an earring communicator
Partner: Nemean, Vera Petrov, Cayin, Lavi
Limitations: None really, fine with any.

Anti-Akuma Weapon ;

Innocence Name: Spirit of Leo, Nemean lion
Innocence Type: Parasitic Beast Type
Synchronization rate: 94%
Deactivated Form: Faint silver glow from Aren's eyes

level 1-[Spirt of leo ]  When  activated Aren's eyes glow silver-White with wisps of white smoke/mist  curling around his head. Aren commands what Nemean does but Nemean can  also act on his own. When ordered Nemean attacks with speed and strength  using his claws to slash his target apart or burn them.

  • [Sight] - At anytime Aren can see  what Nemean's sees,  to Aren Its almost like  seeing two things at once what Nemean sees and Aren's normal vision. 

+If Aren uses this for too long he gets really bad headaches.

  • [White flame] - Nemean surrounds himself with white white-hot flames and attacks his target.
  • [White flame blast] - Nemean gathers his white flames to him and releases them in one large outward blast.
  • [Purifying flame] - Along with purifying himself, Aren and Nemean can purify the Akuma virus If they can reach the person in time.

Around level 2-
Same  as level 1 but Around Arens eyes he gets small white lines and takes on  some animal-like characteristics(eyes, teeth, personality, ???) . Aren can also call Nemean's white flames to his hands and be a little more useful in battle.

  • [White firestorm] - Aren and Nemean create a firestorm out of white fire. 
  • [Possession] - Nemean can possess Aren combining their energy and strength. Nemean can  even use Aren to talk  He only uses this only when necessary.  Relativity new full extent of this  is unknown.  
  • []
  • []

Nemean extra: 

  • Nemean is named after the lion from Greek mythology with impenetrable golden fur and claws that could cut through any armor.
  • The   spirit of leo part is because its said that after Heracles killed the  Nemean lion, Hera placed the lion amongst the stars as the constellation  Leo.
  • Nemean can stay as smokey fire or take the form of a lion, be touched by others or be completely untouchable.
  • Nemean can't talk but Aren can understand him clearly through his body language.  
  • Nemean has a sarcastic, bold and outgoing personality but can also be an asshole one minute and nice the next. like a cat.
  • Loves to be petted by people he likes
  • When at HQ Aren often lets Nemean wander along with him.(Nemean very much likes to scare people this way)
  • Nemean  is a golem eater. Aren's been through so many golems that the science  division got tired of making them for him and decided to just give him  an earring commutator. 
  • Many people are fascinated over him- He loves the attention.
  • Nemean Lion wikipedia

| Background

History Outline; [meeds to be updated]

  • Age 12: Akuma attacks him and his younger brother,  First time activating innocence,  loses most mobility in left arm. 
  • Age 13: Encounters  with Akuma continue enough to alert the order, found by  finders and  taken to the order against his will, Assigned to Klaud nine.
  • Age 17: Possibly when little sister is born making her 5 years old
  • Age 18 : Joins order as full exorcist.
  • Age 22: current
  • Age ?: very reluctantly becomes a general 

History ;

Aren  is is the eldest son and the heir to the Strayus family. He was born   into a wealthy home to a Wip and a wip. Growing up Aren was a quiet and   shy boy. Wip  (i'll get it done some day~)[Wip]

| Extra Information

Quotes ;

"Spirit of leo, Nemean....Activate."

"Don't touch my hair."

"For some reason being social drains the energy from me"

"... ... ..."

"...I can always be myself with you..."(to vera)


Father[WIP  Name ] Alive: A very wealthy man and head of the strayus family. Was  not pleased   when he found out his eldest and heir needed to be taken  away and even   more so when his second son joined the order. Has not seen  either  Aren  or Adrian since they were taken away and left.

Mother[WIP Name] Alive:

Sister [Name: Elaine(?) Strayus] Age 5: Was born after both brothers left for the  order. Both are unaware of   her existence. She has the same color hair  as Aren and grey-pink eyes.

Relationships ;

Lavi: Friends  idk how Aren accepted him as a close friend but he did. (They were once shipped together)

Cayin Winther: Wouldn't consider himself friends with Cayin but they for the most part get along although she annoys him to no end.

Kanda:  Don't get along at all. 

Allen: Don't talk too much,  More like acquaintances, Have been on a couple   missions together, Mostly bond over food/both being parasite types.   Allen is very wary of Nemean and keeps a close eye on timcanpy

LenaLee: Nemean loves her

General Klaud Nine: Strict   but caring, Aren looks up to her a lot. She thinks Aren is ready to be  a  general but he adamantly disagrees and attempts to evade her when  she  visits.

Adrian Strayus: Arens younger  brother by  two years. When they were kids Aren and him  were attacked  by a  lion-like Akuma forcing Aren to protect him and  Awaken his  innocence.  After Aren was taken away Adrian decided to join  the order  as part of  the science division so he could help and be with  Aren. One  of the few  people that can tell what Aren's truly thinking.  

Vera Petrov: [wip]


-Voice claim - Crispin Freeman/ Holland novak Eureka Seven(just imagine a warmer tone) 

flower - white roses meaning: Silence or innocence, wistfulness, virtue, purity, secrecy, reverence and humility

-Tends to get headaches a lot.
-Is actually really good at cooking.

-Really good at holding down alcohol but doesn't drink
-He has a brother who is 2 years younger than him who is a scientist for the order.
-He prefers long sleeves to keep his scars hidden.
-His Anti-Akuma weapon took form of a lion because of a subconscious fear of them. Even though hes never seen a real lion.
-When he was born his parents thought he was blind because his eyes are so light. His eyes would be a light grayish-purple without his Anti-Akuma Weapon.
-Has no trouble seeing in the dark.
-Aren is a neat and tidy person but his hair is an unruly mess.
-Dislikes anyone touching his hair unless its Vera
-He's kinda shy and reserved about showing affection around others.  
-Is very close to becoming a general. BUT he really doesn't see himself as being one
-Aren has never really liked the order.
-He does have a big appetite as he is a parasite type but he doesn't show it.

-His family is very wealthy but he doesn't really care for luxury items and such. 

Aren Strayus (c) Me, 
D.Gray-man (c) Katsura hoshino
Template (C) by the amazing 
ChikitaWolf on DeviantArt