Nike Lockser



4 years, 4 months ago




Name Nike Lockser*
Class Thief/Arcane archer
Age 24-25
height 168 cm (5'5'')
Race Solemnian, human (undead*)
Notable features  Scar across nose
Pronouns She/her
ThemeOwn Me

[ Cocky – Ambitious – Charismatic – Cunning – Shameless - Careless ] 

Nike is a nosy thief who gets into too much trouble for her own good: When one fatal mistake leads to the death of a close friend, as well as her accidentally becoming the long-lost Goddess of Death’s successor, she’s forced to realize that there’s just some things you can’t run – or hide – from.


  • Litterature
  • Beer
  • Thrills
  • Lockpicking


  • Authority
  • Responsibilities
  • Magic
  • Canines



Nike comes off as a charming and confident individual who easily holds conversation and socializes. She’s naturally charismatic, flirty and festive to be around – though also a woman who doesn’t seem to care all that much about tact, responsibility or consequence. Her words are cheeky and sarcastic – and she doesn’t seem to choose them with care. Somehow she mostly avoids looking like an asshole (even though she really is). She’s a frequent liar, cares mostly about herself (with a few exceptions), doesn’t consider others' feelings and is simultaneously unapologetic about it. She’s ambitious (and careless) with her goals, maybe even a bit greedy, as she believes settling for anything (whether it be emotionally, romantically or ambition-wise) is a waste. She wants to exploit everything life has in offer with her current freedom. Most of her decision are made on the spot and she doesn’t always seem to think things through – she claims to work best when improvising, which seems true most of the time (or she’s got some serious luck).

Nike has a hard time trusting, and more often than not she’s looking over her shoulder, always expecting people to turn on her. This too is the reason she keeps people at an arm’s length and rarely shows her true feelings (mainly when she’s upset, angry or worried). She fears caring makes her weak and thus claims she doesn’t. Instead, she always hides behind a cunning smile, hoping no one sees through her poker-face. Her inability to commit mostly stems from fear of someone getting too close, thinking she’ll somehow fuck it up. While she has genuine love for the people close to her, she seems to struggle with showing it properly.  

Eventually (and very slowly) Nike becomes more trusting towards the people around her, realizing that she can count on those close to her. And most importantly: that the world doesn't revolve around her and that everything she does has consequences.


Nike grew up in a lousy orphanage on an island just outside Solemnia, where her everyday life (as well as the other children’s) was marred with neglect and abuse from the cruel Headmistress, ‘’Mother’’, and her staff. Unbeknownst to the children in the orphanage, the island is inhabited by a cove of powerful, ancient deities – witches (?) – who felt entitled to every soul on its soil. A rumor spreads that no one leaves the island grounds after going ashore. The Headmistress was well aware of this, and to selfishly protect herself (and only herself) from the wrath of the witches she’d occasionally sacrifice a child (in a ritual) from the orphanage to keep the deities fed. Therefore, children would every now and then disappear without trace, ‘’presumably being killed by wild dogs’’. If the witches’ needs weren’t being met, they’d become angry and wreak havoc, slaughtering anything in their way. 

After being marked as the next kid to be sacrificed at 10 y/o (this by having ''Mother'' carving an X into the child's face - though she was unsuccessful with Nike, as she was struggling too much and thus only half of the X remained), Nike manages to flee the island a cold winter night, as the water between the island and mainland has frozen - a rarity, but nevertheless the scarred child's salvation. Perhaps even more lucky is she, that the deities are distracted from the ritual before the sacrifice, granting her the chance to escape unnoticed. However, (unbeknownst to her) the deities eventually notice and becomes ENRAGED, as they're unable to touch her as soon as she's off the island. They proceed to massacre every child left in the orphanage, leaving only the adults behind, cursed to become monsters worse than they already were. 

Nike is unaware of the fate of the orphanage to this day (and also of the existence of the deities), mostly because she tries to repress the things that happened there.

Nike spends a year in the streets of Solemnia, stealing what she can and just barely surviving. A rainy night she’s taken in by the old master thief Garlic Abelleich, who turns out to be a harsh – but efficient – teacher. She eventually becomes his pupil, moving in with him and two other apprentices in a nearby inn. Due to the orphanage not caring much about names, Nike never knew her birthname and Garlic names her ‘’Nike Lockser’’.

For years she lives a somewhat comfortable life, indulging herself into the art of thievery (and archery), eventually becoming a skilled thief. Nike has especially made connections in the criminal underworld and even has a few favors to collect around the city. She offers any ''help'' she can for coin, should anyone need her skills. She makes a point not to kill during jobs, as she doesn't consider herself a murderer (for now).

In her mid-twenties, her carelessness (and nosiness) gets her into a hefty situation that puts her neck deep in trouble – and her best friend killed. By accident, she becomes the herald of an ancient goddess of Death – Vanitas' – magic, which should have killed her, but didn’t.

Unbeknownst to Nike, her birthmother is none other than the former court sorceress, Anais Dalvarez. Anais found motherhood hindering to her career, especially as her daughter was a child out of wedlock and willingly gave her up to the city’s orphanage, well aware of its bad reputation.

Anais, due to her magical talent, was originally the one chosen by Vanitas to become her successor, but as the sorceress was murdered this was not possible. While Nike is no mage herself, the arcane is definitely in her blood and acts as the sole reason she wasn’t killed from Vanitas’ magic (as a non-magical individual would have perished from the impact alone).



Lyon Mehodral  [ Former enemy, friend ]

Nike and Lyon had a rough start: they used to be on opposite sides of a fighting force, and has thus attempted killing each other several times. However, unforeseen circumstances made them join forces and they’ve eventually – very slowly and with a lot of bumps along the way – developed a strong friendship. While they can often be found butting heads and cursing each other out (even now), their relationship consists of a lot of tough love. They do actually care a ton for each other though, which becomes more obvious after they eventually engage in a sexual relationship. Nike has no interest in settling for anything permanent though, which they’re both aware of.

She would never admit it, but this grumpy mage is the only person she trusts with her life.


Izénaramir  [ Friend ]

Nike and Izen hasn’t known each other for all that long, but got along from the beginning. Their shared amusement with terrorizing Lyon has gotten them far friendship-wise.  


Vanitas  [ Tutelary ]

While it was originally an accident that Nike was granted Vanitas’ dying magic, it was actually the goddess’ intent to bestow them to her late mother, the famed court sorceress Anais. She seems to be unaffected with this outcome, even though she doesn’t seem surprised (or upset) when Nike is eventually killed. Overall Nike finds the dying goddess’ intentions unclear, except for the fact that the Allseer is a problem.


The Allseer  [ Enemy ]

The Allseer seems to have taken a particular interest in Nike and often attempts to talk to her in dreams (at first posing as her dead friend Jamie). He considers her unpredictability to be amusing and was actually hoping to make her one of his vessels – however, her involvement with Vanitas (and the literal fact that he’s the reason Lyon’s slowly dying) eventually put an end to that, much to his displeasure. While Nike knows he’s a deity meant to be feared, she doesn’t seem to show the trickster god much respect.


Garlic Abelleich  [ Mentor ]

Garlic basically saved Nike from a slow, miserable end in the streets of Solemnia when she was a child. He taught her most of her skills as a thief and also often got her out of shit she couldn’t handle by herself. While the old man might come off as strict and ruthless towards his apprentices, he’s got a soft spot for all of them – and it’s mutual. Nike nevertheless spends most of her time bickering with him. They rarely agree on anything.


Meera-Antonia Moriander  [ Friend ]

The two met a few years ago when Meera sought shelter in Lantzo’s inn, after she found herself unable to acquire a teacher. Meera’s at times innocent demeanor seems to hit a cord with Nike, which has more than once made her – unconsciously – look out for the young mage. Their friendship is somewhat odd, as they don’t have a lot of stuff in common, but they seem to be comfortable in each other’s presence.


Adan  [ Childhood friend ]

Nike used to have a major crush on Adan when they were children. They slept together once as drunk teenagers and never talked about it ever again. It never became awkward between them though and until Adan disappeared (and was presumed dead) they acted as close friends – at least when he was around and not on missions. He was also the person who taught Nike to use a bow.  


Lantzo Baraks  [ Friend ]

Nike considers Lantzo family. He’s been providing Garlic and her with a home in his inn since she was a child and he’s always been very warm and kind to her. Their relationship is very much alike that of an uncle and his niece.


Vincent  [ Lover/FWB ]

Nike and Vincent’s ‘’friendship’’ is business as well as pleasure. Originally Vincent would provide her with information obtained from the brothel he manages in exchange for coin, but they eventually found a mutual enjoyment in each other’s company and engaged in a sexual relationship. They agreed to be exclusive (even though no romantic feelings were involved) and was until he was killed. Generally, their relationship was playful and fun.

Nike occasionally gets the opportunity to speak to Vincent’s ghost, and he’s very obviously bitter about her potentially moving on.   

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