Zarya Kendra



4 years, 1 month ago


Notes to self;

- Reef Guardian, protects a small island and the large reefs that surround it. Usually this involves scaring away large merchant ships or pirates who would dock and destroy the islands natural resources

- Only exception is The Snakebite pirate ship and her crew

- Adder has a weird agreement with Zarya where the guardian will let her and her crew on the island as long as they only take what they need and take a 'shipment' of what Zarya calls 'junk' - this is anything that has washed up on her island or she has found stuck in her reef, usually this is in fact trash, but sometimes there are treasures of which she has no use for. They must treat her island with respect.

- Zarya respects Adder mostly for the captain's treatment of the Deep Aybss creature - this creature grew up in Zarya's reef so she is familiar with it

- Zarya is a fierce protector of her island but will allow swimmers to rest on it - under careful observation

- Typically she is quiet, she doesn't have many Kamishiba to talk to and prefers it that way. Usually she is deep in her own thoughts.

- Very knowledgeable of the ocean and creatures in it, hesitant to share it but if you are worthy in her eyes, she can get very passionate while talking about the oceanĀ