


4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Worth (my reference: $25)

Galen is a dragon-variant fox living in Milan. Due to his rich boy upbringing, he is very egotistical and plays with his life becahse of "boredom." His actions frustrate Issa to the point she literally attempted to murder him to teach him a lesson.

It worked.

He volunteered at the Ruggizuomo and takes on tasks like feeding needy, weapons cleaning, learning weapons, and the longer he stays the more he wants to work his way up to the intelligence department. He's still mad at Issa.

he still has his rich boy quirks and still looks down on people.

in eposode 23, he meets an equally pompous rich boy who has *none* of Galen's "lesson learned" qualities. This guy, Carmen, is stronger than Galen and states that Galen is a disappointment to the mixed dragon community before executing him with a gun to the head. Carmen creates the group that becomes the precursor to Recalcitrant (and setting into motion his role as season 2's antagonist).

During the Emoji Battles, Issa had the option to revive either Galen or Miya. They were both in stasis. She judged her decision based on which had a better future. Miya was entirely dedicated to Oberon and Issa saw no point in her changing. 

Galen was on the path to learning humility. He could be trained to match Carmen.

Issa chose Galen, but she wondered if Miya could have been saved. She remembered what her mlther told her; people have to want change.

Galen returns to the Ruggizuomo and is trained by Charlie in fighting. He attends some missions as Charlie's "hatchling" (student).