




female ♥ pan ♥ single

♥ About

-- warrior ♥ 22 moons old ♥ open to breed ♥ dilute blue tortie with low white and yellow eyes

Blueberrynose has always had a sweet tooth, and she's always searching for new fruits for her to snack on. Obviously, blueberries are her favorite and she's constantly covered in the juice from the little, delicious, blue spheres hanging on the bushes. On top of this, she also considers herself to be an artistic genius when she's not doing her warrior patrols and duties for Shoreclan. Blueberrynose goes out into the forest and picks berries for her to eat, while at the same time she smears them onto the dirt. She makes beautiful blue pictures and sometimes adds leaves for green. Most of the time, Blueberrynose draws the cats she's come to know or more blueberries. She's a bit obsessed.

♥ Relationships

Violetnight -- A stealthy and intelligent she-cat that's always there for her by her side through thick and thin. (best friend)

Sorrel-leaf -- A bright she-cat that helps her find berries and in turn Blueberrynose finds flowers for her. (friend)

♥ Edits

-- Non-rarity: blueberry paint

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