


4 years, 1 month ago



Chatoyant, adult weredrake, he/him

Chatty is a spirited Weredrake with a flair for the fabulous! He has taken the title of "Fashionista Extraordinaire", captivating people with his radiant enegry and charm while still maintaining his authority of his own destict in Hellion's Greed floor. His boundless enthusiasm for life is only matched by his unapologetic love for fashion. He is a also a lover of pranks that send people bursting into laughter (well everyone except his brother). He's a beacon of positivity, a trendsetter in fashion, and a prankster with a heart of gold (for hell anyway).

He seems a lot more worldly and wizened than someone of his age should be, but will never tell how he came upon his knowledge and experiences. Every tale he tells is a different one, and he loves to tell stories. He has a wide range of theatrical talents to match the mood of any audience.

He has a medium sized drake form and a full sized dragon form, both of which he can shift to freely.