


4 years, 9 hours ago


Name Marrok A.R.
Age Adult
Height [info]
Gender Cis Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Xenosmilus H.
Orientation Demiromantic
Occupation Medic
Worth $100+
Status NFST
Theme [song]
Template Cheeriko


In this as all things, it would seem Marrok is made of contradictions. There are two sides of him that are always at war: the hunter he was born to be and the healer he made of himself. In the hunter he is sure of himself, confident and steady. He guides himself through violence without guilt, for he understands the world as predators do. Life is filled with necessity, and necessity is not always beautiful or pleasant. It's not often that this side of him is allowed into public spaces. He chains it up as one might cage a feral dog, tossed scraps of meat the way he allows himself his occasional nighttime hunts. There's a practicality to him that is not present in the side of him made through his medical practice. In that side, Marrok is filled with near-blind optimism and a constant desire to do better and become better, to help all that he can regardless of the personal cost. He is forgiving and at times overbearing in his care for others.

The strange and desperate blend of characteristic leads to many flaws in Marrok's nature, and not all of which are easily addressed. He tends to pick favorites and stick by them even when he shouldn't; he ignores his frustrations and allows them to build until he lashes out at someone undeserving; more often than not, he works himself to the point of pain rather than confront his worries or fears. Though he's working on them, it will take time to rebuild. His foundation, thankfully, is solid enough for it.

  • Marrok is a winged xenosmilus hodsonae; his wings are that of a Red-Tailed Hawk.
  • Broad and almost boxy in appearance, but with very thick, dense fur covering his body.
  • He can be drawn with or without wings, as well as varying combinartions of his scars.
  • Proin semper libero non leo maximus fringilla.
  • Nullam scelerisque orci suscipit nunc venenatis facilisis. Duis eget urna vulputate augue mattis dictum. Morbi suscipit ac urna ac posuere.

  • Sollicitudin
  • Vivamus
  • Pellentesque
  • Vestibulum
  • Convallis arcu
  • Sollicitudin
  • Vivamus
  • Pellentesque
  • Vestibulum
  • Convallis arcu



Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor. Aenean fringilla, justo eget vehicula malesuada, tellus ipsum lobortis lacus, quis viverra sapien sapien vel metus. Maecenas egestas neque eu erat molestie interdum non nec purus. Aliquam nisl orci, egestas quis mi et, feugiat cursus nulla. Sed tempor interdum ante quis tempus. Maecenas non mauris vel elit fermentum porttitor. Sed id ullamcorper lectus.

Praesent pellentesque rhoncus dui, a efficitur magna tempor id. Cras euismod velit sit amet urna posuere, et dignissim urna fringilla. Phasellus elementum tristique lorem quis interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam nisl lorem, aliquet sit amet erat nec, maximus imperdiet augue. Proin laoreet mi quis est lobortis, id bibendum quam mollis. Integer id placerat eros, in bibendum massa.

Name relationship

Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

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