Kailum Loren



4 years, 4 months ago



Kailum is a quiet and reflective individual who is interested in understanding and helping other soquili. Thanks to his expansive family he has a well-developed system of values that he strictly adheres to. One of these said values that he stresses a great deal is loyalty; he will never leave a loved one in need even if it is hazardous to his own well-being. He does not consider himself to be knightly, but he has always listened to the wisdom bestowed upon him by his grandfather Crisanto who, he is told, he takes after quite a bit. He is also rather adaptable to various situations; a trait he credits to his mother’s sense of adventure for it allowed him to broaden his horizons, and desensitized him to countless things that would have otherwise become a source of discomfort in his later years. He is a quick minded individual who is able to see possibilities in nearly everything he investigates, including other soquili. 

 Kailum is far from perfect though and on, albeit relatively few, occasions has demonstrated a proclivity toward a somewhat unbecoming temper should his values be questioned or challenged. In these instances he finds himself unable to be the bigger soquili or to turn the other cheek. Chalk it up to pride or stubbornness; Kailum recognizes this deficit within himself and hopes to one day rectify it. He is very hard on himself in this sense because he is a perfectionist who wishes to be the best he can be, and he rarely gives himself enough credit. 

 For the most part he is a very intuitive being whose main goal in life is to make the lives of others as pleasurable as is possible. He is a wonderful listener and, though generally reserved, is genuinely interested in the emotional wellbeing of those around him. He dislikes conflict and tends to attempt to avoid it whenever he can. 

 Lastly, he is always attempting to answer the question of what his purpose in life is. He knows he dearly wishes to help as many soquili as he can, but he doesn’t exactly know how to do that just yet