🌌 Yun-Shi 🌌



4 years, 1 month ago



"Oh, you are in no position to negotiate... You are only in the position to beg."

Yun-Shi LiΓ‘n














King's Right Hand




Toned & Elegant




Son of Night & Obscurity


Challenger | Observer

  • Playing with people's heads
  • Shiny things, such as jewelry
  • Tricks
  • Expensive garments
  • Himself

  • Playing by the rules
  • "Boring" enemies
  • Wasting time
  • Lacking control
  • Being weak/showing weakness








A most unusual and unexpected choice to most, Yun-Shi is the King's right hand man - His invaluable tactician, the one in charge of all of his trades, negotiations, and generally helping to ensure that everything in the kingdom runs smoothly.

Aside from that, he had taken in the title of the Grandmaster, giving his power the title of "Sidus Ultima".

As he is the only one given such control, Yun-Shi is its caretaker, his wings becoming the very gates that allow him to pass through the many worlds he uses for the kingdom's benefit, as well as his own. For anything that required taking in more people, especially when various goods are transported through the different worlds, Yun is the one controlling the various gateways, allowing for safe travel across space itself. He carries a heavy weight on his shoulders, ensuring that nothing ever goes amiss not just in his own world, but between any contacts he may have with those who are many stars away, constantly planning, thinking, observing, analyzing...

Becoming the very void itself, Yun-Shi constantly watches from the shadows, keeping his sharp vigil - he is everywhere and nowhere - a being that exists seemingly so effortlessly, most would not be able to tell his origins and how many responsibilities he actually has when seen with his loved ones, teasing them, laughing and behaving in a way that people could easily mistake him for someone else, perhaps a simple merchant, rather than someone who was ensuring the world's safety as the King's most loyal ally and trusted friend.

Having so much information on just about anyone, people can only wonder and theorize how and where he obtained it, as Yun-Shi was someone who seemed like an open book - yet the more stories he told, the more people realized how little he's actually letting on. "Son of Night and Obscurity" was the title given to him as a testament to that. An awfully perfect liar, adaptable to any change, and capable to guess how a certain situation will end - His smug never leaving his face as he continued to win his gambling games.


I will keep crawling.

Coming from a rather poor family, Yun was ever a hardworking man, doing everything and anything he could to be at the top, regardless of what pathway he had to take to get there. He was always close with his parents, and as they taught him much and more about life and it's constant trials and struggles, he learned from a very young age that life is far more complex and difficult than most realize, given their privilege. As his parents struggled for many years to be able to take care of their son the best they could, Yun always desired to grant them a better home, a life with far less stress and the ability to be able to do what they loved, without worrying about money so much. He knew that he will have to do things they wouldn't approve of, and especially things that his childhood friend would not approve of, but already in his teenage life Yun had started involving himself with people that had a questionable reputation at best. He thrived in this field, and started toying with people very early on - a unknown prodigy, manipulating and ensuring that at the end of the day, he got exactly what he wanted.

Until I disappear here forever.

While he had a quite different life from his childhood friend, Yun-Shi always supported Levent in his endeavors and was quite fond of him, seeing him as a brother he never had. They lived very different lives, and while they were close with each other that bond began to shake the more they grew up. Levent was a prodigy in his field of combat, graduating as early as sixteen years of age, overtime becoming the youngest hitman there was - And then there was Yun-Shi, someone who, while also a prodigy, denied that sort of lifestyle with all of his being. The idea of it left him feeling like a caged bird, having to conform to someone else's ideals, and so he never wanted to involve himself with such people. He wanted to be free - free from any and all who would attempt capturing him, making him do or become something he never wanted. He knew Levent, and he knew that he was more aware than most around the two of them, so before anything, he made him a promise - While he was never someone to take on such a lifestyle, he wanted the best for Levent and trusted his decision in the path he wanted to take, and prepared a special dagger to give him on his graduation day. An item that wasn't mentioned a whole lot in either of their lives, but one that caught Levent's attention the moment he saw it in their early days, and so Yun-Shi kept it close with him, ready to congratulate his friend with a gift that he had saved for him for many years.

Unknowingly, it was also a temporary parting gift for him. Levent never did approve of the lifestyle Yun had, and that only became more and more prominent when Levent became a hitman. In a way, while Levent was always endearing to him, Yun knew that he still had much and more to learn about the world - that it's far from what the Academia, his family, his circle, even, could ever teach him. Over time they started seeing each other less and less often, as they had very different daily occupations to deal with, but one thing became clear - Levent wanted Yun-Shi to consider a new path. One that didn't involve him risking his life constantly for shady businesses that he had to think about constantly to ensure he did not get himself hurt. Yun-Shi was one rare person that Levent accidentally did end up having an actual bond with, and as he wanted him to be safe too, he felt that Yun was worth more than the scum he involved himself with - That he was not someone that should be in the slums. His concerns only grew bigger and louder over time, until finally, when Levent could no longer keep it to himself - He met up with Yun-Shi - Knowing that his request for Yun would be turned down, Levent could barely keep his composure as he continued to say:

"One day it's you who's head they ask me to get."

Yun would laugh the same way he always did. That stubborn, annoying, endearing laughter he always gave Levent, before replying:

"I hope I can give you more of a show than the ones you had to deal with so far."

And with that, Levent gave an audible sigh before walking away for what seemed to be forever in his eyes. It was obvious what he felt, Yun saw the fists he formed, how ready he was to punch his face, and did everything he could to stop himself from doing so. He knew that Levent cared, and so he wasn't exactly surprised at how they parted ways. He saw how he looked at him and neither could he blame him for it, he knew that he was just a target for those who wished him ill, and he wanted to spare Levent the path of dealing with him and his messy life. To Yun-Shi, that walk was almost comforting to him as he would know that his best friend would be okay. He would disappear into the shadows - Waiting to be called upon again, as he knew that they would meet each other when the time was right.

For I am now Void - The Son of Night and Obscurity.

Years have passed, and Yun had led the same life he had up until that point, and while he was always looking for a bigger challenge and a more enticing game to play, never could he had forseen that he would suddenly be put in a completely different position - To be working for a King, of all people.

"A kingdom, from the legends.. Of that old childish book...? Hahah! Somehow, I am not at all surprised. Seems like I owe somebody a visit."

Indeed, news came in about a Kingdom that was having a ceremony - A kingdom that was supposedly hidden from the public's eye for many long years. Magical lands and Kingdoms from other worlds were no rare knowledge, even to the most common of man, but Yun-Shi could scarsely believe it at first, yet when given a vague description of the area, he knew immediately where he was supposed to go. He knew of only one person who would constantly talk about that book of fairytales, and he knew that it had some sort of significance. That thought kept him investigating for years, only to return with not even a single clue, yet he knew that somewhere, somehow, Levent would be involved. Why else would he have kept that book, of all the ones he could have? His family could get him any other, from any library, yet that was the one that stuck with him the most - And he remembered that. And once that kingdom rose up from what seemed to be ashes, he knew who would be there.

And just as he thought, Levent was indeed there - His friend, now a ruler of a kingdom. While not entirely surprised, a kingdom rising up from seemingly nothing did pique his interest to say the least. He hid himself in the crowd ensuring that no one recognized him in any way - a technique he mastered better than any - And saw the King in the very center, giving his speech, the usual ordeal with any of these types of events. He watched from the side, and saw how much his friend grew up. Gazing at each other for just a moment, Yun-Shi took his leave, playfully waving as he once again disappeared into the crowd.

Some time after the event had long passed, Yun received an invitation from the King. Curious as to what could he possibly be needed for, as he was not much more than a merchant, he immediately gathered his things and headed off to meet up with the friend who he had not spoken to in many years. Their idle chatter lasted for a long while - both of them realizing how much they missed each other's presence. No amount of hours could be enough in that day to allow them to truly catch up with everything, and while Yun-Shi had plenty of questions about the kingdom and the book that Levent had with him for all of his life - Levent could not spare a moment longer, and dived into the reason he was invited in the first place. Yun-Shi was quite surprised to hear about Levent's proposal - To work under his banner. If anything he expected more of some sort of condemnation, or to be critiqued again but he had found himself quite pleasantly surpirsed.

Levent managing a kingdom all by himself was not a realistic option. He was a combatant, someone who specialized in battle, and while he would be more than willing to do all the tasks required to rule a nation, he could not manage it all by himself. He needed someone to take care of tradings, to be the negotiator, to look over all the people that the kingdom would have to involve itself with - And it required an eye that could not be replaced by anyone else's. Yun-Shi's perspective was proven invaluable to Levent, and he trusted no other to be right there with him, just like he was when they were young. He would give him an offer - To claim the title of a world hopper, to be able to traverse worlds at will, and create bonds and connections like no other, to be free like no other - The ability to become what he was always meant to be.

"I need someone to be my shadow, maybe even my light. Someone who'd protect me the way I want to protect them. A friend. A brother."

Immediately after, he gave Yun-Shi an Ultimatum. He would have to stop the type of business he was doing up to this point, as he would have to keep the kingdom's reputation clean. His representative cannot be known to be involved with people of the slums, regardless of reason. Yun would only give a slight smile to his proposal, saying:

"Sometimes rules are meant to be broken, your Highness. I expect you to know that better than anyone. You will simply have to trust me, if you would have me."

Silence. A short eternity, as the King sat on his throne, giving a stare that to most would send shivers down their spine, yet Yun-Shi would only smile in response, annoying him further by the second.

"Be subtle. As subtle as possible. I don't want this kingdom to be put in a bad light because of a poor decision I made. They deserve to shine. This kingdom and it's people. Yun, I've seen this kingdom's past, the tragedy that followed to it's disappearance. I want to give them hope - make them shine like the brightest star - like the Sun itself - so I beg you to do your best to not drag this kingdom into the dirt."

"Hah! Well. Trusting someone of my background, most would say you were insane! But I know you wouldn't have me come here just to threaten me."

" Of course I'll help you. You know, you could have just said that immediately, I'd seriously have to be a fool to refuse in the first place, but I appreciate the bonus of allowing me to traverse worlds, if nothing else~"

Levent's annoyances aside - From that day onward, Yun-Shi was given his own place in the kingdom, and more than plentiful of tasks that needed to be dealt with pretty much immediately. Somehow he adjusted to it seamlessly and effortlessly, as if he was born to be in this field of work. Not much time would pass before Levent entrusted him with the power he promised him - The ability to traverse worlds, when ever he pleased. Such powers were to be saved for work or for the general betterment of the kingdom, but Levent trusted that whatever business Yun-Shi had to attend to regardless of its location, he would be updated should anything ever go amiss. After everything, the two of them united again, and Yun-Shi promised him that he was there to stay, always to serve under Levent's banner. He was always given the freedom of choice, but despite any and all troubles that came their way, over the course of their many years spent working together, Yun-Shi never faultered and always did everything in his power to keep everything up and running, and ensuring Levent's safety at all costs. No matter what the worlds close and far might think of him and his questionable choices, Yun-Shi was ever ready and prepared to make friends, to lie, kill, conquer, to reduce everything to nothing and make everything out of nothing - So long as it was something that he and the ones he cared for could profit off of.


  • His naming conventions: 运世敛 Yun-Shi LiΓ‘n

    运 yun - Fortune | Fate | Luck
    δΈ– shi - Time | Era
    ζ•› LiΓ‘n - To control (oneself) | To pity
  • ζ˜Ÿζ˜Ÿηš„ηΎŽδΈ½ - "The Beauty of the Stars". His first ever title, given to him by those enchanted by his night sky-reminiscent beauty.
  • Unknown to most, he played big roles in many people's lives and worlds - For better or for worse. He has seen villages, nations and people change, flourish and crumble to dust - A heavy weight which he had chosen to carry alone for the hundreds of years he's been alive thus far.
  • Often times he carries various elixirs and potions with him, ones that he gave a helping hand in creating. They can be anything from sleeping potions to things such as various poisons. Some of them are more extreme and experimental, such as potions that exaggerate and create hallucinations about the level of pain the person is feeling.
  • The mark on his forehead appeared when he was granted the ability for world hopping and space travel. At first it only started as a black circle, but as he worked towards mastering the technique, the color of it began changing. The ones he has now have stayed the same since - A symbol of becoming the Grandmaster.


Gate Master

Ability to control gates that allow people from various worlds to accompany him to different stars, temporarily granting the ability to traverse the Space itself.

Void Walker

Ability to temporarily become everything and nothing - A power which allows him to teleport to various areas, from just a few meters to a complete transfer of one's body to a different world with his wings. He's able to bring a small amount of people with him so long as his wings are able to cover the people that accompany him. This magic can also be used as an enchantment to render himself temporarily invisible from various trackers.

Astral Manipulation

Ability to create and shape various sorts of projectiles and shields depending on its requirements. Can be used as casting magic missles at enemies, or if he has plenty of energy to spare - create one large summon capable of destroying multiple enemies in sight. This type of offense magic is most taxing on his body, so he keeps magic usage at a minimum, mostly utilizing the shield aspects for when ever he is simply not in a mood to fight - or has to protect himself from incoming attacks.

Crowd Blending

While mostly not dependant on his magic, he is capable of easily using crowds to his advantage as a way of disappearing from his enemies - A skill he learned from a very young age. Occasionally he would use his Void Walker ability to accompany this trick in case there are trackers with magic abilities attempting to find him.



Levent Best Friend

Childhood friend that he always knew was destined for greatness. While their relationship had its fair share of awkward, rocky parts and years spent apart, their trust and bond is unlike any other, as they became a force to be reckoned with when they eventually have the world at their fingertips. They can often be seen bickering with each other, Yun-Shi being the one person that is able to push Levent's buttons and tease him in ways that even he wouldn't expect at times - Yet when it comes down to it, Levent was always ready to defend Yun-Shi's position and title should there be anyone questioning his authority and eligibility, Yun doing the same for him when Levent is faultering from the severe stress that inevitably came with ruling of a kingdom. Always ready for more challenges, the two have each other's back at all times.

Adelia Lover

Originally recruited as a general and millitary advisor by King Levent, Adelia immediately caught Yun-Shi's attention with her fiery and intimidating aura, becoming intrigued by her presence and wanting to learn more about her. Most people were wary of her and spoke ill of her due to her controversial status and nature, but Yun only wanted to get closer and closer to her, thankfully their occupations allowing him enough time to spend with her as colleagues. He noticed how self-critical she was, and offered her support and care before anyone else - Letting her know time and time again that she does not have to be afraid of making a mistake or punish herself so hard for everything she does not consider "good enough" when it came to her field of work. For the longest time Adelia would only be confused and angry at him, asking why he would put aside so much of his work to help her, and especially risking his own status when she made a bigger mistake. Yun-Shi understood her background and knew that her demeanor did not come from simply nowhere, and despite how much she yelled at him or tried to push him away, he always stubbornly came back to her, again, again and again.

He fell in love with her faster than he could ever dare hope, and spent much of his free time trying to accommodate her in any way he could. Often times he would have to be blunt and direct with his feelings as Adelia would struggle to understand due to the way she was raised to be - A warrior in an army, focusing on combat and combat only, ignoring her own emotions for the longest time. While not completely realizing it, Adelia began to reciprocate the feelings Yun had for her, as he continued to constantly remind her that she was no longer alone, that there are people who care for her, who love her just the way she is. No matter who and how many people try to speak ill of her due to whatever reason, Yun-Shi is always the first one to jump and defend her immediately, not allowing a single person to disrespect her in his sight. Over time the two of them became a duo that many would fear as their sync in battle and their combined tactics allowed them to conquer any army - Ensuring that victory was, in the end, always theirs.
